

When using Okta authentication, the io.Manager Server will use Okta to authenticate incoming requests based on an Okta access token. The io.Manager Admin UI will use Okta login to authenticate users and send the Okta access token to the io.Manager Server.


To enable Okta authentication, you must configure properly the io.Manager Server and Admin UI, as well as the io.Connect platform that will connect to io.Manager - io.Connect Desktop or io.Connect Browser.

Depending on the deployment approach you have chosen, you have the following options for configuring the io.Manager Server and Admin UI:

The following sections provide examples of both options.


To enable Okta authentication for the io.Manager Server, choose one of the following options depending on your deployment approach.

Environment Variables

To configure the io.Manager Server to use Okta authentication, register the following environment variables with the proper values. The API_AUTH_METHOD environment variable must be set to okta:

Environment Variable Description
API_AUTH_EXCLUSIVE_USERS List of users that will be granted the GLUE42_SERVER_ADMIN role. This role is required to access the io.Manager Admin UI. The users must already exist in the database.
API_AUTH_METHOD Type of the authentication mechanism. Must be set to okta.
API_AUTH_OKTA_AUDIENCES Comma-delimited string with URLs pointing to the resources that will consume the access token.
API_AUTH_OKTA_GROUPS_CLAIMS_NAME The name of the JWT claim from which to retrieve the Okta user groups.
API_AUTH_OKTA_ISSUER URL pointing to the issuer to be used for validation of access tokens.
API_AUTH_OKTA_JWKS_URI URL pointing to a JSON Web Key Set.

Example configuration:


Runtime Configuration

To enable Okta authentication for the io.Manager Server, set the auth_method property of the optional Config object for initializing the io.Manager Server to "okta". Use the auth_okta and auth_exclusive_users properties to provide additional settings for the Okta authentication:

Property Type Description
auth_okta object Settings for the Okta authentication mechanism.
auth_exclusive_users string[] List of users that will be granted the GLUE42_SERVER_ADMIN role. This role is required to access the io.Manager Admin UI. The users must already exist in the database.
auth_method string Type of the authentication mechanism. Must be set to "okta".

The auth_okta object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
audiences string[] Required. List of URLs pointing to the resources that will consume the access token.
groupsClaimsName string The name of the JWT claim from which to retrieve the Okta user groups.
verifierOptions object Required. Object with options passed to the constructor of the OktaJwtVerifier class exposed by the @okta/jwt-verifier library. The only required property is issuer.

Example configuration:

import { start } from "@interopio/manager";

const config = {
    // Enabling Okta authentication.
    auth_method: "okta",
    // Additional settings for Okta authentication.
    auth_okta: {
        verifierOptions: {
            issuer: "",
        audiences: [""],
    // List of users that will be granted the `GLUE42_SERVER_ADMIN` role.
    auth_exclusive_users: ["admin"]

const server = await start(config);

Admin UI

To access the io.Manager Admin UI, a user must be granted the GLUE42_SERVER_ADMIN role. The list of exclusive users with access to the Admin UI is defined in the io.Manager Server configuration. You can also grant this role to other users from the Admin UI.

To enable Okta authentication for the io.Manager Admin UI, choose one of the following options depending on your deployment approach.

Environment Variables

To configure the Admin UI to use Okta authentication, set the following environment variables with the proper values. The REACT_APP_AUTH environment variable must be set to okta:

Environment Variable Description
REACT_APP_AUTH Type of the authentication mechanism. Must be set to okta.
REACT_APP_OKTA_CLIENT_ID The client ID found in the app settings of the Okta "Applications" page.
REACT_APP_OKTA_ISSUER URL pointing to the issuer to be used for validation of access tokens.
REACT_APP_OKTA_REDIRECT_URL URL to which users will be redirected after a successful login. It's not required to set this variable. If not set, the location of the Admin UI will be used as a callback URL.
REACT_APP_OKTA_USE_REFRESH_TOKEN If set to true, will set the scopes for the requests sent to the Okta authorization server to ["openid", "email", "profile", "offline_access"].

Example configuration:


Runtime Configuration

To enable Okta authentication for the Admin UI, set the auth property of the <Admin UI /> component to "okta" and use the auth_okta property to provide additional settings for the Okta authentication.

The auth_okta object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
clientId string The client ID found in the app settings of the Okta "Applications" page.
issuer string URL pointing to the issuer to be used for validation of access tokens.
redirectUri string URL to which users will be redirected after a successful login. It's not required to set this property. If not set, the location of the Admin UI will be used as a callback URL.
scopes string[] Scopes for the requests sent to the Okta authorization server.

Example configuration:

        clientId: "clientId",
        issuer: "",
        scopes: ["openid", "email", "profile", "offline_access"]

io.Connect Desktop

To enable Okta authentication for io.Connect Desktop, you must configure the connection to io.Manager and the login screen that's part of the Admin UI.

Connecting to io.Manager

To configure io.Connect Desktop to connect to io.Manager, use the "server" top-level key of the system.json system configuration file of io.Connect Desktop located in the %LocalAppData%/ Desktop/Desktop/config folder. Add the following basic configuration to enable connection to io.Manager:

    "server": {
        "enabled": true,
        "url": "http://localhost:4356/api"

This will add io.Manager as an additional app store and instruct it to store Layouts and app preferences. If you want io.Manager to be the only app store, set the "appStores" top-level key in the system.json file to an empty array.

To send client crashes to the io.Manager Server, edit the "output" property of the "crashReporter" top-level key in the system.json file:

    "crashReporter": {
        "output": {
            "type": "server",
            "serverUrl": "http://localhost:4356/api/crashes"

For more configuration options for connecting to io.Manager, see the Configuration > Platform section.

Login Screen

For Okta authentication to work properly in io.Connect Desktop, you must configure the login screen that's part of the Admin UI.

To enable the login screen, use the "ssoAuth" top-level key of the system.json file. Set the "authController" property of the "ssoAuth" object to "sso". Use the "options" object to provide the location of the login screen and settings for the io.Connect Window in which it will be loaded. The "url" property of the "options" object must point to the location of the Admin UI and must end with the gd query parameter, which will indicate that the login attempt is coming from io.Connect Desktop.

⚠️ Note that for this configuration to work properly, you must not set the REACT_APP_OKTA_REDIRECT_URL environment variable, or the redirectUri property of the auth_okta object in the <Admin UI /> component.

Example configuration:

    "ssoAuth": {
        "authController": "sso",
        "options": {
            "url": "http://localhost:3000?gd",
            "window": {
                "width": 500,
                "height": 650,
                "mode": "flat"

io.Connect Browser

Connecting to io.Manager from an io.Connect Browser project requires modifying the configuration for initializing the @interopio/browser-platform library in the Main app.

To specify settings for the connection to the io.Manager, use the manager property of the optional configuration object when initializing the @interopio/browser-platform library. The following example demonstrates configuring the connection to io.Manager with Okta authentication:

import IOBrowserPlatform from "@interopio/browser-platform";

// Callback that will retrieve a valid Okta access token
// and add it to the headers of every request sent to io.Manager.
const getHeaders = async () => {
    // Your custom internal logic for refreshing and retrieving the access token.
    const token = await getAccessToken();

    const extraHeaders = {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`

    // The returned headers will be merged with the existing ones.
    return extraHeaders;

const config = {
    licenseKey: "my-license-key",
    manager: {
        // URL pointing to io.Manager.
        url: "",
        // Providing a callback for supplying an Okta access token.
        fetchIntervalMS: 10000,
        tokenRefreshIntervalMS: 15000

const { io } = await IOBrowserPlatform(config);

For more configuration options for connecting to io.Manager, see the Configuration > Platform section.


For a complete example of using Okta authentication in the io.Manager Server and Admin UI, see the io.Manager Okta Authentication example on GitHub.