Browser Platform


The purpose of the Main app is to handle complex and important operations, but its setup is extremely simple and easy. The following sections describe how to create a Main app for your io.Connect Browser project and install and initialize properly the respective libraries depending on the web framework you are using - JavaScript ( @interopio/browser-platform), React (@interopio/react-hooks) or Angular (@interopio/ng). All libraries are free to install from the public NPM registry, but require a valid license to operate.

For information on purchasing the io.Connect Browser platform or requesting a trial license, contact us.



Install the @interopio/browser-platform library in your project:

npm install @interopio/browser-platform

Import the package in your Main app and initialize the @interopio/browser-platform library using the IOBrowserPlatform() factory function. It's required to provide a valid license key in the configuration object for the library:

import IOBrowserPlatform from "@interopio/browser-platform";

// Configuration for initializing the library.
// The only required property is `licenseKey`.
const config = {
    licenseKey: "my-license-key"

// Use the `io` property of the object returned by
// the factory function to access the io.Connect APIs.
const { io } = await IOBrowserPlatform(config);

The factory function will initialize and configure everything needed for a fully functioning io.Connect Browser project.


Install the @interopio/react-hooks library in your project:

npm install @interopio/react-hooks

Initialize the @interopio/react-hooks library in one of the following ways. It's required to provide a valid license key in the configuration object for the library:

  • using the <IOConnectProvider /> component:
import IOBrowserPlatform from "@interopio/browser-platform";
import { IOConnectProvider } from "@interopio/react-hooks";

const settings = {
    browserPlatform: {
        factory: IOBrowserPlatform,
        config: {
            licenseKey: "my-license-key"

    <IOConnectProvider fallback={<h2>Loading...</h2>} settings={settings}>
        <App />
  • using the useIOConnectInit() hook:
import IOBrowserPlatform from "@interopio/browser-platform";
import { useIOConnectInit } from "@interopio/react-hooks";

const App = () => {
    const settings = {
        browserPlatform: {
            factory: IOBrowserPlatform,
            config: {
                licenseKey: "my-license-key"

    const io = useIOConnectInit(settings);

    return io ? <Main io={io} /> : <Loader />;

export default App;

For more details on using the @interopio/react-hooks library, see the Browser Client > React section.


Install the @interopio/ng library in your project:

npm install @interopio/ng

Initialize the @interopio/ng library. It's required to provide a valid license key in the configuration object for the library:

import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
import { IOConnectNg } from "@interopio/ng";
import IOBrowserPlatform from "@interopio/browser-platform";

    declarations: [
    imports: [
        IOConnectNg.forRoot({ browserPlatform: { factory: IOBrowserPlatform, config: { licenseKey: "my-license-key" } } })
    providers: [],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

For more details on using the @interopio/ng library, see the Browser Client > Angular section.


Besides the required valid license key, you can specify other optional configuration settings for the io.Connect environment, APIs, libraries and Plugins initialized by the IOBrowserPlatform() function:

import IOBrowserPlatform from "@interopio/browser-platform";
import IOWorkspaces from "@interopio/workspaces-api";

const config = {
    // Providing a valid license key.
    licenseKey: "my-license-key",
    browser: {
        // Enabling the Workspaces API.
        libraries: [IOWorkspaces]
    workspaces: {
        // Specifying the location of the Workspaces App.
        src: ""
    // Configuration for Global Layouts.
    layouts: {
        mode: "session"
    // Configuration for connecting to io.Manager.
    manager: {
        url: "",
        auth: {
            basic: {
                username: "username",
                password: "password"
        fetchIntervalMS: 10000,
        tokenRefreshIntervalMS: 15000,
        critical: true

const { io } = await IOBrowserPlatform(config);

The configuration object for the @interopio/browser-platform library has the following properties:

Property Type Description
applications object Set a local or remote source for app definitions.
browser object Config object for the internal initialization of the @interopio/browser library. This configuration will be used also if the Main app is registered as an io.Connect client in an io.Connect Desktop project.
browserFactory function The @interopio/browser-platform library will always initialize the latest version of the @interopio/browser library internally, but you can override this by passing your own io.Connect factory function. This is especially helpful if you want your Main app to run with a specific @interopio/browser library version and not the latest.
channels object Configure the Channels that will be available in your project.
clientOnly boolean Set to true to initialize your Main app as a Browser Client app, skipping all Browser Platform related logic. Useful in certain cases during initialization when it isn't explicitly clear whether your app should be a Main app or a Browser Client. In such cases it's possible to acquire Browser Platform configuration or logic at runtime if your app is to be a Main app.
connection object Defines settings for connecting to a local io.Connect Desktop instance. For more details, see the Capabilities > io.Connect Desktop section.
environment object Object with custom data (excluding functions) that will be accessible through the iobrowser object injected in the global window object of the Main app and all Browser Client apps connected to it.
gateway object Configuration for the logging levels and handlers of the io.Connect Gateway for advanced control and debugging.
layouts object Configuration for Global Layouts.
licenseKey string Required. Valid license key for enabling the io.Connect Browser platform.
manager object Configuration for connecting to io.Manager. For more details, see the Capabilities > io.Manager section.
notifications object Configuration for the io.Connect Browser notifications.
otel object Configuration for io.Insights. For more details, see the Capabilities > io.Insights section. Available since io.Connect Browser 3.4.
plugins object Provide your custom logic which will be included in the boot sequence of the Main app. For more details, see the Plugins section.
serviceWorker object Provide the Service Worker registered by your Main app. A Service Worker is necessary only if you want to use Notifications with actions.
themes object Configuration for the io.Connect Themes.
user object Object with a username property specifying the name of the current platform user. Recommended to set in case the io.Connect Browser platform isn't connected to io.Manager. This will allow default Global Layouts to be saved per user by the platform. If not set and the platform isn't connected to io.Manager, the default Global Layout will be saved as public.
windows object Configuration for the Window Management API.
workspaces object Configuration for the Workspaces App and Workspaces.

Seed Project

If you want to get acquainted and experiment with a basic project built with the io.Connect Browser platform, skipping the required setup and configurations, you can use the io.Connect Browser Seed Project in GitHub. All you need to activate the project is your valid license key.

The project provides a fully configured multi-app - a Workspaces App acting as a Main app, with an open Workspace containing several apps, including the Interop Viewer and Context Viewer apps.