

Available since io.Connect Browser 3.3

The @interopio/widget library allows you to use the io.Connect widget in your io.Connect Browser apps. The widget is a floating UI element that provides the user with a Channel Selector UI for the current window and an easy way to return an extracted window back in the Workspace from which it was extracted. The widget has a compact mode and settings for its position within the window:


The widget enables all Browser Clients opened as floating windows or ejected from a Workspace to provide a Channel Selector UI to the user. Based on configuration, the widget can also be displayed while the Browser Client is inside a Workspace.


Available since io.Connect Browser 3.5

To use the io.Connect widget in your io.Connect Browser project, you must:

  • configure the Main app: provide URLs pointing to the locations of the widget bundle and styles, any default settings to be passed to client apps, or origins to block from using the widget;
  • enable using the widget in your Browser Client apps;

Main App

To configure the widget in the Main app, use the widget property in the configuration object for initializing the Main app.

The following example demonstrates configuring the widget in the Main app:

import IOBrowserPlatform from "@interopio/browser-platform"

const config = {
    licenseKey: "my-license-key",
    widget: {
        // It's required to specify the locations of the widget bundle and styles.
        sources: {
            bundle: "https://my-widget/widget-bundle.js",
            styles: ["https://my-widget/styles.css", "https://example.com/custom-styles.css"]
        // Default widget settings that will be used if the Browser Client doesn't provide any.
        defaultConfig: {
            position: "top",
            channels: {
                selector: {
                    enable: true,
                    type: "directional"
        // Origins of Browser Clients to block from using the widget.
        blockList: ["https://example.com/*", "https://another-example.com/*"]

const { io } = await IOBrowserPlatform(config);

The widget object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
blockList string[] List of origins to block from using the widget (e.g., ["https://example.com/*"]).
defaultConfig object Default settings for the widget that will be used of the Browser Client doesn't provide any.
sources object Required. Use to specify the locations of the widget bundle and styles.

The sources object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
bundle string Required. URL pointing to the location of the widget bundle.
styles string[] Required. List of URLs pointing to the locations of the widget styles.

Default Widget Settings

To provide default settings for the widget, use the defaultConfig property of the widget object. These default settings will be applied by the Main app if the Browser Client that has requested usage of the widget hasn't provided any widget settings.

The defaultConfig object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
channels object Settings for the Channel Selector UI. Available since io.Connect Browser 3.5.
displayInWorkspace boolean If true, the widget will be visible in the app even if the app is currently in a Workspace. Defaults to false. Available since io.Connect Browser 3.4.
mode "compact" | "default" Mode for displaying the widget. Defaults to "default".
position "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" Initial position for the widget within the window. Defaults to "bottom".

The channels object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
displayMode "all" | "fdc3" Determines which of the available Channels to display (all or only FDC3 ones).
selector object Settings for the Channel Selector UI.

The selector object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
enable boolean If true (default), will enable the Channel Selector UI in the widget.
type "directional" | "default" Type of the Channel Selector UI. Defaults to "default".

Browser Clients

To enable the widget for a Browser Client app, use the widget property of the optional configuration object for initializing the @interopio/browser library.

The following example demonstrates configuring the widget in a Browser Client app:

import IOBrowser from "@interopio/browser";

const options = {
    widget: {
        // Enabling the widget for the current Browser Client app.
        // It's required to specify this to be able to use the widget.
        enable: true,
        // Overriding the default widget settings from the Main app.
        position: "top",
        channels: {
            selector: {
                enable: true,
                type: "default"

const io = await IOBrowser(options);

The widget object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
awaitFactory boolean If true (default), will the library will wait for the IOBrowserWidget() factory function to resolve before completing its initialization. Available since io.Connect Browser 3.5.
channels object Settings for the Channel Selector UI. Available since io.Connect Browser 3.5.
displayInWorkspace boolean If true, the widget will be visible in the app even if the app is currently in a Workspace. Defaults to false. Available since io.Connect Browser 3.4.
enable boolean Required. If true, will enable the widget for the Browser Client unless the app origin hasn't been blocked in the Main app configuration.
mode "compact" | "default" Mode for displaying the widget. Defaults to "default".
position "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" Initial position for the widget within the window. Defaults to "bottom".
timeout number Interval in milliseconds to wait for the IOBrowserWidget() factory function to be fetched from the remote source. Defaults to 5000. Available since io.Connect Browser 3.5.

The channels object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
displayMode "all" | "fdc3" Determines which of the available Channels to display (all or only FDC3 ones).
selector object Settings for the Channel Selector UI.

The selector object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
enable boolean If true (default), will enable the Channel Selector UI in the widget.
type "directional" | "default" Type of the Channel Selector UI. Defaults to "default".