

This section describes the io.Connect API domain and operation IDs, and the signature of the data object each operation expects in order to be executed. Use this reference information to set the domain, operation and data properties of the base control message object correctly when invoking io.Connect operations in your interception handlers.

An example invocation of an io.Connect operation:

// Settings for starting an instance of an app with a specified name.
const controlMessage = {
    domain: "appManager",
    operation: "applicationStart",
    data: {
        name: "My App Name"

// The `platform` object has already been passed as an argument to the Plugin implementation.
await platform.system.sendControl(controlMessage);

All io.Connect domains have an operation called "operationCheck" that can be used to verify whether the provided io.Connect operation is supported.

The data object for this operation has the following properties:

Property Type Description
operation string Required. Name of the io.Connect operation to verify.

The following example demonstrates how to verify whether an operation named "openWindow" exists:

const controlMessage = {
    domain: "windows",
    operation: "operationCheck",
    data: {
        operation: "openWindow"

// Checking whether the specified io.Connect operation is supported in the specified domain.
await platform.system.sendControl(controlMessage);

App Management

To send a control message to the App Management domain, set the domain property to "appManager".

The following io.Connect operations are available for this domain:


Retrieves all available io.Connect apps connected to the io.Connect Browser environment.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Optional ID of an io.Connect Window.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
apps object[] Array of objects describing the io.Connect apps.


Starts an io.Connect app.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Required. Name of the app to start.
id string ID for the app instance.
context object Context for the started app.
top number Distance in pixels from the top edge of the screen for the app window.
left number Distance in pixels from the left edge of the screen for the app window.
width number Width in pixels for the app window.
height number Height in pixels for the app window.
relativeTo string The ID of an io.Connect Window relatively to which the new app window will be positioned.
relativeDirection "top" | "left" | "right" | "bottom" Direction relative to the io.Connect Window specified in realtiveTo in which to position the new app window.
forceChromeTab boolean If true, will force the Chrome tab to open the app window with the bounds specified either in the app definition or in the app start options.
layoutComponentId string ID used for managing the new app window in Layouts.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string ID of the started io.Connect app.
applicationName string The name of the started io.Connect app.


Clears all in-memory app definitions at runtime.

A data object for this operation isn't required.


Exports all in-memory app definitions at runtime.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
definitions Definition[] Array of app definition objects.


Imports app definitions at runtime.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
definitions object[] Required. An array of io.Connect Definition or FDC3 app definition objects to import.
mode "replace" | "merge" Required. Mode for importing the app definitions. Use "replace" to replace all existing in-memory definitions with the provided ones. Use "merge" to merge the existing app definitions with the provided ones, replacing the app definitions with the same name.


Stops an io.Connect app instance.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string Required. ID of the app instance to stop.


Registers an app instance as a Workspace window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Required. Name of the window to register in the Workspace.
windowId string Required. ID of the window to register in the Workspace.
frameId string Required. ID of the Workspaces App in which to register the window.
appName string App name of the window if it has been defined as an io.Connect app within the io.Connect environment.
context object Starting context for the window.
title string Title for the window.


Registers app definitions fetched from a remote source.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
definitions object[] Required. An array of io.Connect Definition or FDC3 app definition objects to register.


Removes an app definition at runtime.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Required. Name of the app to remove.


Unregisters an app instance from a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the window to unregister from the Workspace.


To send a control message to the Intents domain, set the domain property to "intents".

The following io.Connect operations are available for this domain:


Retrieves all registered Intents.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
intents Intent[] Array of objects describing the Intents.


Retrieves Intent objects by a provided IntentFilter object.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
filter IntentFilter Object for finding an Intent. If not provided, all available Intents will be returned.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
intents Intent[] Array of Intent objects matching the search criteria.


Raises an Intent. Extends the "raiseIntent" command by handling the Intent request considering the configuration for the Intents Resolver app.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
intentRequest IntentRequest Object describing the request for raising an Intent.
resolverConfig object Object with enabled, appName and waitResponseTimeout properties describing the configuration for the Intents Resolver app.

Returns an IntentResult object.


Raises an Intent.

The data object for this operation is required and is an IntentRequest object.

Returns an IntentResult object.


To send a control message to the Channels domain, set the domain property to "channels".

The following io.Connect operations are available for this domain:


Creates a new Channel.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Required. Name for the new Channel.
meta object Required. Meta data for the new Channel. The meta data object contains a required color property that specifies the Channel color as an HTML color name or a hex value.
data object Data object that will be used as Channel context.

Window Management

To send a control message to the Window Management domain, set the domain property to "windows".

The following io.Connect operations are available for this domain:


Closes an io.Connect Window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the io.Connect Window to close.


Focuses an io.Connect Window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the io.Connect Window to focus.


This operation informs the io.Connect environment that the focus of an io.Connect Window has changed.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the io.Connect Window whose focus has changed.
hasFocus boolean Required. Whether the specified io.Connect Window has gotten or lost focus.


Retrieves the bounds of an io.Connect Window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the io.Connect Window whose bounds to retrieve.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string ID of the io.Connect Window.
bounds Bounds Object describing the window bounds in pixels.


Retrieves the title of an io.Connect Window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the io.Connect Window whose title to retrieve.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string ID of the io.Connect Window.
title string Title of the io.Connect Window.


Retrieves the URL of an io.Connect Window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the io.Connect Window whose URL to retrieve.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string ID of the io.Connect Window.
url string The URL of the io.Connect Window.


Changes the bounds (position and/or size) of an io.Connect Window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the io.Connect Window whose bounds to change.
top number Distance in pixels from the top edge of the screen for the window.
left number Distance in pixels from the left edge of the screen for the window.
width number Width in pixels for the window.
height number Height in pixels for the window.
relative boolean If true, the new window location (top and left) will be set relatively to the current window position.


Opens a new io.Connect Window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Required. Unique name for the io.Connect Window to open.
url string Required. URL to load in the new io.Connect Window.
options Settings Object with settings for the new io.Connect Window.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string ID of the io.Connect Window.
name string Name of the io.Connect Window.


Registers an io.Connect Window as a Workspace window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Required. Name of the window to register in the Workspace.
windowId string Required. ID of the window to register in the Workspace.
frameId string Required. ID of the Workspaces App in which to register the window.
appName string App name of the window if it has been defined as an io.Connect app within the io.Connect environment.
context object Starting context for the window.
title string Title for the window.


Sets the title of an io.Connect Window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the io.Connect Window whose title to set.
title string Required. Title for the io.Connect Window.


Unregisters an io.Connect Window from a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the window to unregister from the Workspace.


Retrieves all io.Connect Windows.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Optional ID of an io.Connect Window.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
windows object[] Array of objects each with windowId and name properties describing the io.Connect Windows.
isWorkspaceFrame boolean Specifies whether the windows in the returned collection are Workspaces App instances.


To send a control message to the Workspaces domain, set the domain property to "workspaces".

The following io.Connect operations are available for this domain:


Adds a Box element to a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
definition BoxDefinition Required. Object describing the element to add to the Workspace.
parentId string Required. ID of the Workspace element in which to add the new element.
parentType "row" | "column" | "group" | "workspace" Required. Type of the Workspace element in which to add the new element.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string ID of the added Box element.


Adds a WorkspaceWindow to a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
definition WorkspaceWindowDefinition Required. Object describing the window to add to the Workspace.
parentId string Required. ID of the Workspace element in which to add the window.
parentType "row" | "column" | "group" | "workspace" Required. Type of the Workspace element in which to add the window.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string ID of the added WorkspaceWindow.


Bundles a Workspace element into a Row or a Column.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
type "row" | "column" Required. Specifies whether to bundle the Workspace element into a Row or a Column.
itemId string Required. ID of the Workspace element to bundle.


Bundles an entire Workspace into a Row or a Column.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
type "row" | "column" Required. Specifies whether to bundle the Workspace into a Row or a Column.
workspaceId string Required. ID of the Workspace to bundle.


Checks whether the Workspaces controller has started.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
started boolean Specifies whether the Workspaces controller has been initialized.


Closes a Workspaces item - a Workspace, a Workspace element or the entire Workspaces App.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Workspaces item to close.


Creates an empty Workspaces Frame (a new instance of a Workpsaces App).

The data object for this operation is required and is an EmptyFrameDefinition object.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string ID of the created Frame instance.
isInitialized boolean Specifies whether the Frame has been initialized.
initializationContext object Object with a context property holding initial context passed to the Frame, if any.


Creates a new Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
children BoxDefinition[] | WorkspaceWindowDefinition[] Required. Array of objects describing the elements of the new Workspace. Pass an empty array to create an empty Workspace.
config WorkspaceConfig Object with settings for the new Workspace.
context object Object with context data that will be used for all windows in the Workspace.
frame FrameTargetingOptions Object describing the Frame in which to create the new Workspace.
saveConfig WorkspaceCreateConfig Object with options for saving the new Workspace as a Layout.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string ID of the created Workspace.
config object Object describing the settings and properties of the new Workspace.
children object[] Array of objects describing the elements of the new Workspace.
frameSummary object Object describing the Frame in which the Workspace was created.
context object The context passed to the new Workspace.


Deletes a Workspace Layout.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Required. Name of the Workspace Layout to delete.


Ejects a window from a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the window to eject from the Workspace.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string ID of the window ejected from the Workspace.


Exports all Workspace Layouts.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
layouts WorkspaceLayout[] Array of objects describing the exported Workspace Layouts.


Focuses a Workspaces App, a Workspace or a Workspace element.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Workspaces item to focus.


Forces a Workspace window to load its content.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the window to force to load.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string ID of the window that was forced to load.


This operation informs the io.Connect environment that the focus of a Workspaces App has changed.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowId string Required. ID of the Frame whose focus has changed.
hasFocus boolean Required. Whether the specified Workspaces App has gotten or lost focus.


Retrieves the summary descriptions of all available Frame objects.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
summaries object[] Array of objects each with id, isInitialized and initializationContext properties describing the Frame objects.


Retrieves the summary descriptions of all available Workspace Layouts.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
summaries object[] Array of objects each with a name property describing the Workspace Layouts.


Retrieves the summary descriptions of all available Workspaces.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
summaries object[] Array of objects each with id and config properties describing the Workspaces.


Retrieves the bounds of a Frame.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Frame whose bounds to retrieve.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
bounds Bounds Object describing the Frame bounds in pixels.


Retrieves a snapshot of a Frame.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Frame whose snapshot to retrieve.
excludeIds boolean If true, the IDs of the various elements of the Workspaces won't be included in the snapshot.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string ID of the Frame.
config object Object with minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight and maxHeight properties describing the Frame constraints.
workspaces object[] Array of objects each with id, children, config, frameSummary and context properties describing the Workspaces in the Frame.


Retrieves the summary description of a Frame.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Frame whose summary to retrieve.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string ID of the Frame instance.
isInitialized boolean Specifies whether the Frame has been initialized.
initializationContext object Object with a context property that holds the initial context passed to the Frame, if any.


Retrieves the ID of the Frame object that belongs to the Browser Platform app (i.e., when a Workspaces App is also a Main app).

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string ID of the Frame instance.


Retrieves the icon of a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
workspaceId string Required. ID of the Workspace whose icon to retrieve.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
icon string Workspace icon in Base64 format.


Retrieves the configuration for the Workspaces App as specified in the Main app.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object describing the Workspaces App configuration.


Retrieves a snapshot of a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Workspace whose snapshot to retrieve.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string ID of the Workspace.
config object Object describing the settings and properties of the Workspace.
children object[] Array of objects describing the elements of the Workspace.
frameSummary object Object describing the Frame to which the Workspace belongs.
context object The context passed to the Workspace.


Retrieves the bounds of the Frame that contains a specified Workspace window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Workspace window for which to retrieve the bounds of its Frame.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
bounds Bounds Object describing the Frame bounds in pixels.


Retrieves the context of the windows in a Workspace when a Layout save has been requested.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
layoutName string Required. Name of the Workspace Layout to which the windows belong.
layoutType "Global" | "Workspace" Required. Type of the Workspace Layout to which the windows belong. Must be set to "Workspace".
windowIds string[] Required. IDs of the windows whose context to retrieve.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowsOnSaveData object[] Array of objects each with windowId and windowContext properties holding the ID and context of a Workspace window.


Hibernates a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
workspaceId string Required. ID of the Workspace to hibernate.


Imports a Workspace Layout.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
layout WorkspaceLayout Required. Object to import.
mode "replace" | "merge" Required. Mode for importing the Workspace Layout. Use "replace" to replace all existing Workspace Layouts with the imported one. Use "merge" to add the imported Workspace Layout to the existing ones or replace an existing Workspace Layout with the same name.


Initializes an empty Workspaces Frame.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
frameId string Required. ID of the Frame to initialize.
workspaces WorkspaceDefinition[] | RestoreWorkspaceDefinition[] Required. Array of objects with which to initialize the Frame. Pass an empty array to initialize the Frame without any Workspaces in it.


Checks whether a window is in a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the window for which to check whether it's in a Workspace.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
inWorkspace boolean Specifies whether the window is in a Workspace.


Locks a Box element of a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Box element to lock.
type "row" | "column" | "group" Required. Type of the Box element to lock.
config RowLockConfig | ColumnLockConfig | GroupLockConfig Object with lock settings for the Box element. To unlock all currently locked features, pass an empty object.


Locks a Workspace window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
windowPlacementId string Required. ID of the WorkspaceWindow to lock.
config WorkspaceWindowLockConfig Object with lock settings for the WorkspaceWindow. To unlock all currently locked features, pass an empty object.


Locks a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
workspaceId string Required. ID of the Workspace to lock.
config WorkspaceLockConfig Object with lock settings for the Workspace. To unlock all currently locked features, pass an empty object.


Maximizes a Workspace element.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Workspace element to maximize.


Moves a Frame to an absolute or relative location on the screen. This operation can't be executed when the specified Frame is also a Main app.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Frame to move.
top number Distance in pixels from the top edge of the screen for the new location of the Frame.
left number Distance in pixels from the left edge of the screen for the new location of the Frame.
relative boolean If true, the new window location (top and left) will be set relatively to the current Frame position.


Moves a Workspace window to a specified containing element - another Workspace or a Workspace element.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the WorkspaceWindow to move.
containerId string Required. ID of the containing element to which to move the WorkspaceWindow.


Opens an already existing Workspace Layout.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Required. Name of the Workspace Layout.
restoreOptions RestoreWorkspaceConfig Options for restoring the Workspace Layout. If a Workspaces App instance isn't specified, the Workspace will be opened in the last created Frame.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string ID of the opened Workspace.
config object Object describing the settings and properties of the opened Workspace.
children object[] Array of objects describing the elements of the opened Workspace.
frameSummary object Object describing the Frame in which the Workspace was opened.
context object The context passed to the opened Workspace.


Pins a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
workspaceId string Required. ID of the Workspace to pin.
icon string Required. Icon in Base64 format for the pinned Workspace.


Resizes a Workspace element or a Frame. Column elements can be resized only in width. Row elements can be resized only in height.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the element to resize.
width number Width in pixels for the element.
height number Height in pixels for the element.
relative boolean Taken into account only when resizing a Frame. If true, the specified width and height values will be added or subtracted from the current width and height of the Frame.


Restores a previously maximized Workspace element.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Workspace element to restore.


Resumes a hibernated Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
workspaceId string Required. ID of the Workspace to resume.


Saves a Workspace Layout.

The data object for this operation is required and is a WorkspaceLayoutSaveConfig object.

Returns a WorkspaceLayout object.


Sets the title of a Workspace or a Workspace window.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Workspace or the Workspace window whose title to set.
title string Required. Title for the Workspace or the Workspace window.


Sets a Column or a Row element as a maximization boundary for its child Workspace elements.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
itemId string Required. ID of the Column or the Row element which to set as a maximization boundary.
enabled boolean Required. If true, will set the element as a maximization boundary.


Sets an icon for a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
workspaceId string Required. ID of the Workspace whose icon to set.
icon string Icon in Base64 format for the Workspace.


Unpins a Workspace.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
workspaceId string Required. ID of the Workspace to pin.


To send a control message to the Layouts domain, set the domain property to "layouts".

The following io.Connect operations are available for this domain:


Checks whether Global Layouts are available.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
isAvailable boolean Specifies whether Global Layouts are available.


Exports Layouts by type.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
type LayoutType Required. Type of the Layouts to export.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
layouts Layout[] Array of objects describing the exported Layouts.


Retrieves a Layout.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Required. Name of the Layout to retrieve.
type LayoutType Required. Type of the Layout to retrieve.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
layout Layout Object describing the retrieved Layout.


Retrieves all Layout summaries by Layout type.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
type LayoutType Required. Type of the Layouts whose summaries to retrieve.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
summaries LayoutSummary[] Array of objects describing the Layout summaries.


Retrieves the permission state for the Multi-Screen Window Placement browser functionality, required for Global Layouts to work properly.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
state "prompt" | "granted" | "denied" State of the permission for the Multi-Screen Window Placement browser functionality.


Retrieves raw window data when a Layout save is requested.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
layoutType "Global" | "Workspace" Required. Type of the Layout for which a save operation has been requested.
layoutName string Required. Name of the Layout for which a save operation has been requested.
context object Context to be saved for the Layout windows.
instances string[] Array of IDs of windows to be saved in the Layout.
ignoreInstances string[] Array of IDs of windows to be ignored when saving the Layout.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
windows object[] Array of objects describing the windows to be saved in the Layout.


Imports Layouts.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
layouts Layout[] Required. Array of objects describing the Layouts to import.
mode "replace" | "merge" Required. Mode for importing the Layouts. Use "replace" to replace all existing Layouts with the provided ones. Use "merge" to merge the existing Layouts with the provided ones, replacing the Layouts with the same name.


Removes a Layout.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Required. Name of the Layout to remove.
type LayoutType Required. Type of the Layout to remove.


Shows a browser prompt that requests permission from the user for the Multi-Screen Window Placement browser functionality, required for Global Layouts to work properly.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
isAvailable boolean If true, the user has granted permission.


Restores a Global Layout.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
layout RestoreOptions Required. Object with options for the Layout to restore.


Saves a Global Layout.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
layout NewLayoutOptions Required. Object with options for the Layout to save.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
layout Layout Object describing the saved Layout.


To send a control message to the Notifications domain, set the domain property to "notifications".

The following io.Connect operations are available for this domain:


Removes a notification by ID.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string Required. ID of the notification to remove.


Removes all known notifications.

A data object for this operation isn't required.


Clicks a notification or a notification action programmatically.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string Required. ID of the notification to click.
action string Name of the notification action to click.


Retrieves the notification permission state.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
permission "granted" | "denied" | "default" State of the permission for sending web notifications to the desktop.


Retrieves all known notifications.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
notifications NotificationData[] Array of objects describing the notifications.


Raises a notification.

The data object for this operation is required and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
settings RaiseOptions Required. Object with options for the notification to raise.
id string Required. Notification ID.


Shows a browser prompt that requests permission from the user for sending web notifications to the desktop.

A data object for this operation isn't required.

Returns an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
permissionGranted boolean If true, the user has granted permission.