

Here you can find links to io.Connect examples on GitHub. These implementations are for showcase and testing purposes and demonstrate various io.Connect Desktop functionalities within different technology environments. See the respective repositories and experiment firsthand with the many cool features of io.Connect Desktop!


JavaScript Examples Repository

  • App Management Example
  • App Preferences Example
  • Channels Example
  • Flydown Example
  • Intents Example
  • Interop Request/Response Example
  • Interop Streaming Example
  • Popup Example
  • Pub/Sub Example
  • Search Example
  • Shared Contexts Example
  • Themes Example
  • Window Management Example


.NET Examples Repository

  • App Management Example
  • Multi Window App Example
  • Interop Example
  • Interop Streaming Example
  • WPF Sticky Window Example
  • Shared Contexts Example
  • Notifications Example
  • Blazor Example


The Java examples are shipped with the io.Connect Desktop installer. You can find them in the %LocalAppData%/interop.io/io.Connect Desktop/Desktop/Demos/Java folder.


Dash Examples Repository

  • Channels Example
  • "Client/Portfolio/News" Example
  • Shared Contexts Example
  • Excel Example
  • Interop Example
  • Notifications Example
  • "Oil and Gas" Example
  • Window Management Example

Native Examples

COM Examples

  • Delphi 10 Example
  • Delphi 7 Example
  • MFC Example

C Exports Examples

  • C++ Console Example
  • MFC Example


io.Connect Apps

Other Examples

  • Node.js REST Config Example - a simple Node.js REST server, which acts as a remote app, Layout, app preferences and system configuration store. You can use this example to test fetching apps, Layouts, app preferences and system configuration files to io.Connect Desktop from a remote REST service.

  • .NET REST Config Example - a simple .NET REST server, which acts as a remote app and Layout store. You can use this example to test fetching apps and Layouts configuration files to io.Connect Desktop from a remote REST service.

  • Playwright Example - an io.Connect end-to-end test example using Playwright.