

To check whether the Bloomberg Adapter is connected to the Bloomberg Terminal (or the Bloomberg Simulator), use:

  • Interop method name: "T42.BBG.IsLoggedIn"
  • Accepts: void
  • Returns: Boolean value showing whether the Bloomberg Adapter is connected to the BBG Terminal;


const result = await io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.IsLoggedIn");
const isConnected = result.returned.Result;

To force reconnection of the Adapter to the Bloomberg Terminal:

  • Interop method name: "T42.BBG.Reconnect"
  • Accepts: void
  • Returns: Boolean value showing whether the Bloomberg Adapter has succeeded to reconnect to the BBG Terminal;


const result = await io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.Reconnect");
const hasReconnected = result.returned.reconnected;