

If for any reason the connection with the Fidessa WebSocket API is lost, the Fidessa Adapter will follow the instructions set in the "reconnectPeriod" property in the custom configuration. By default, it will try to reconnect 5 times at a 2 second interval and after that, it will try to reconnect every 30 seconds. This can be changed from the configuration.



Default configuration settings:

    "wsUrl": "ws://localhost:80/ITP/",
    "throttleMs": 500,
    "serviceMethod": "Glue42.ContextMapper.Enhance",
    "fimPath": "id.fim",
    "instrumentIdPath": "id",
    "fidClientPath": "fidId",
    "clientIdPath": "",
    // By default, there is no limit to the reconnect attempts.
    // Set a number value to this property to define a limit.
    // "maxReconnectAttempts": 10
    "reconnectPeriod": "2000(5), 30000"
Property Type Description
"wsUrl" string WebSocket URL to which to connect.
"throttleMs" number The time to wait and aggregate Channel updates before sending them to Fidessa.
"serviceMethod" string The name of the method to use as a mapping service.
"fimPath" string Path to the FIM representation of the instrument name inside the instrument key of the context object (see Fidessa Tracking Groups).
"instrumentIdPath" string Path to the id property (holding the instrument ID) inside the instrument key of the context object (see Fidessa Tracking Groups).
"fidClientPath" string Path to the Fidessa ID of the client inside the client key of the context object (see Fidessa Tracking Groups).
"clientIdPath" string Path to the id property (holding the client ID) inside the client key of the context object (see Fidessa Tracking Groups).
"maxReconnectAttempts" number How many times to attempt to reconnect. By default, there is no set limit to the reconnect attempts.
"reconnectPeriod" string Accepts a string in the format "<number>(<number>), <number>" which defines how the Fidessa Adapter should attempt reconnection. The first number in the string represents an interval in milliseconds at which to attempt reconnection, followed by the number of initial reconnection attempts (the second number in the brackets). The third number is also a reconnection interval in milliseconds which the Adapter should use after the initial reconnection attempts have failed.


To change the default connection settings, use the "customProperties" top-level key of your app definition file, usually located in the %LocalAppData%\\io.Connect Desktop\<ENV>-<REG>\apps folder, where <ENV>-<REG> represents the environment and region of your io.Connect Desktop copy (e.g., DEMO-INTEROP.IO). Assign to it an object holding your custom connection properties:

    "maxReconnectAttempts": 10,
    "reconnectPeriod": "1500(3), 15000"