MS Office


The following sections describe the available configuration options for deploying and running the Teams Adapter components - Service App, Web Service, and Platform App.

For more details and examples related to the functionalities provided by the Teams Adapter (e.g., configuring the Service App rules or creating custom actions for the Platform App), see the Functionalities section.

Service App

If you are using the Teams Adapter in an io.Connect Desktop project, the configuration for the Service App component must be provided as a standard io.Connect app definition file. Use the "customProperties" top-level key to provide configuration settings for the Service App component itself:

    "name": "ms-teams-adapter",
    "type": "window",
    "title": "Teams Adapter",
    // Auto start the Service App with the platform.
    "autoStart": true,
    // Disable running multiple instances.
    "allowMultiple": false,
    // Hide the Service App from the io.Connect launcher.
    "hidden": true,
    "details": {
        // URL pointing to the location where the Service App is deployed.
        "url": "",
        // This will hide the Service App window from the user.
        // Set to `true` if using `"sso"` authorization type (see the `Authorization` section).
        // Set to `false` (default) if using `"login"` authorization type to allow the user to log in via the UI.
        "hidden": true,
        // Allow the app to retrieve the authentication info (SSO token)
        // if using `"sso"` authorization type.
        "allowAuthInfo": true,
        // Enable the io.Connect Channels for the Service App.
        "allowChannels": true
    "customProperties": {
        // Service App configuration settings.

For io.Connect Browser projects, the configuration for the Service App component must be provided as an app definition when initializing your Main app:

import IOBrowserPlatform from "@interopio/browser-platform";

const config = {
    licenseKey: "my-license-key",
    applications: {
        local: [
                name: "ms-teams-adapter",
                type: "window",
                title: "Teams Adapter",
                details: {
                    // URL pointing to the location where the Service App is deployed.
                    url: ""
                customProperties: {
                    // Service App configuration settings.

const { io } = await IOBrowserPlatform(config);

The following properties can be used under the "customProperties" top-level key of the Service App app definition in order to provide settings specific for the Service App:

Property Type Description
"authorization" object Determines the way the Teams Adapter will authenticate to the Microsoft Graph API.
"debug" boolean If true, will enable additional logging. Defaults to false.
"messages" object Configuration for controlling the way the Teams Adapter will subscribe to the Microsoft Graph API for new chat messages.
"paymentModel" "A" | "B" | null Payment model to be used for access to paid Microsoft Graph APIs.
"protocolName" "msteams" | "ms-teams" Use "ms-teams" if you need to support the legacy desktop Teams client. Defaults to "msteams".
"oAuth" object OAuth login information if using "login" authorization type (see the Authorization section).
"permissions" object Permissions controlling the features of the Teams Adapter (see the Permissions section).
"requestChatMembers" boolean Set to true if you want to use the $chatMembers extracted variable in actions executed by the Teams Adapter. Set to false to reduce the number of network requests performed. Defaults to false.
"requestChatName" boolean Set to true if you want to use the $chatName extracted variable in actions executed by the Teams Adapter. Set to false to reduce the number of network requests performed. Defaults to false.
"rules" object Rules that define the response behavior of the Teams Adapter to various Teams events, such as receiving chat messages, or when the user invokes a Platform App action from the Teams UI.
"webService" object Configuration for controlling the Web Service component.


The "authorization" object is used for defining the type of the authentication procedure - whether to use SSO to log the user in the Teams Adapter automatically, or to require them to log in manually for each session.

The "authorization" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"access_token" string Access token to be used for authentication. Use only for testing purposes when "type" is set to "sso-mock".
"authKey" string Name of the property in the object returned by the iodesktop.getAuth() method from which to extract an access token when "type" is set to "sso". By default, the Service App will use "token" or "access_token".
"type" "login" | "sso" | "sso-mock" Required. Type of the authentication procedure. Set to "login" to require the user to log in the Teams Adapter manually. In this case, you must also specify OAuth login information by using the "oAuth" object. If set to "sso" and the user has already logged in the io.Connect platform, they will be automatically logged in the Teams Adapter as well. Set to "sso-mock" for testing purposes only and provide an access token to be used for authentication.

Example configuration for SSO authentication:

    "customProperties": {
        "authorization": {
            "type": "sso"

If using manual login (the "type" property of the "authorization" object is set to "login"), you must provide OAuth login information by using the "oAuth" object in order for the Teams Adapter to be able to authenticate to the Microsoft Graph API.

The "oAuth" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"appId" string App (client) ID of the Service App as registered in Azure. For more details, see the Deployment > Deployment Guide > Service App section.
"scopes" string[] List of permissions for access to the Microsoft Graph API. For more details, see the Deployment > Deployment Guide > Service App section.
"tenantId" string Directory (tenant) ID of the Service App as registered in Azure. For more details, see the Deployment > Deployment Guide > Service App section.

⚠️ Note that the set of permissions for access to the Microsoft Graph API may vary depending on the Teams Adapter functionalities you want to use. For details on the required permission for each functionality, see the respective entry in the Default Implementations section.

Example configuration for manual login:

    "customProperties": {
        "authorization": {
            "type": "login"
        "oAuth": {
            "appId": "my-app-id",
            "tenantId": "my-tenant-id",
            "scopes": [

Web Service Connection

To define settings for controlling the Web Service component, use the "webService" object.

The "webService" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"enabled" boolean If true (default), the Teams Adapter will use the Web Service component. Set to false if you aren't using the Web Service. The Web Service component is optional and you can use the Teams Adapter without it, but you will lose the features that depend on receiving events from Teams, as well as the UI actions provided by the Platform App component.
"pollIntervalMS" number Interval in milliseconds at which to contact the Web Service component for updates. Higher values will result in fewer network requests, but higher latency for responding to events from Teams. Defaults to 5000.
"resource" string[] List of resources to which to subscribe for the "onMessage" rule (e.g., "/users/me/chats/getAllMessages"). Some of the resources may be metered APIs that require a paid license.
"staleClientPruningTimeoutMS" number Interval in milliseconds denoting how long the Web Service will remember the user session after the user has lost connectivity to the Web Service. If the connection isn't re-established within the specified interval, the Web Service will discard any received events for that user. Defaults to 60000.
"subscriptionLengthMS" number Interval in milliseconds denoting how long the Web Service will be subscribed to the Microsoft Graph API. Defaults to 600000.
"url" string URL pointing to the location where the Web Service component is deployed.

Example configuration:

    "customProperties": {
        "webService": {
            "enabled": true,
            "url": "",
            "resource": ["/users/me/chats/getAllMessages"]


The "messages" object can be used to instruct the Service App component to retrieve rich message information for the "onMessage" rule. To do so, you must have encryption certificates in PEM format as described in the detailed deployment guide for the Service App component.

The "messages" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"encryptionCertificates" object[] List of objects describing the encryption certificates to use for end-to-end encryption of messages. This property is required if "requestContents" is set to true. At least one entry is required.
"requestContents" boolean If true, will instruct the Service App to retrieve rich message data that can be used in the "onMessage" rule. If false, you won't be able to use most of the extracted variables containing message data in the "onMessage" rule.

Each object in the "encryptionCertificates" array has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"data" string Base64-encoded content of the encryption certificate (without the "BEGIN" and "END" lines) in PEM format.
"encryptionCertificateId" string Encryption certificate serial number. You can set this to a random string for debugging purposes.
"privateKey" string Base64-encoded content of the private key in PEM format.

Example configuration:

    "customProperties": {
        "messages": {
            "requestContents": true,
            "encryptionCertificates": [
                    "data": "certificate-data",
                    "encryptionCertificateId": "certificate-serial-number",
                    "privateKey": "private-key-data"


The "permissions" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"allowEval" true Enables "eval" action types in the Service App rules. Defaults to false.

Example configuration:

    "customProperties": {
        "permissions": {
            "allowEval": true


The "rules" object allows you to specify rules that will determine the behavior of the Teams Adapter in response to various events from Teams, such as receiving a message, or when the user invokes a Platform App action from the Teams UI.

The "rules" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"onMessage" object[] Use to define the behavior of the Teams Adapter when a chat message is received.
"onSyncConversation" object[] Use to define the behavior of the "syncConversation" Platform App action.
"onSyncMessage" object[] Use to define the behavior of the "syncMessage" Platform App action.
"onRecording" object[] Use to define the behavior of the "stopRecording" Platform App action.
"onRecordingStart" object[] Use to define the behavior of the "startRecording" Platform App action.

For more details on the shape of the objects accepted in the rule arrays and on how to configure the response behavior of the Service App, see the Functionalities > Service App Rules section.

Web Service

⚠️ Note that the Web Service component is optional. It's possible to use the Teams Adapter without a Web Service component, but you will lose the features that depend on receiving events from Teams, as well as the UI functionalities provided by the Platform App component.

The Web Service component itself has little configuration by design. Most of its functionality is controlled using arguments from the Service App. The configuration for the Web Service is a JSON file delivered with the ZIP file containing the Web Service component. It must be hosted with the Web Service.

⚠️ Note that the Service App also contains configuration settings for the connection to the Web Service component. For more details, see the Service App > Web Service Connection section.

The configuration file for the Web Service component contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
"appId" string The app (client) ID from the Web Service registration in Azure. For more details, see the Deployment > Deployment Guide > Web Service section.
"debug" boolean If true, will enable additional logging and will expose the logs on the /logs endpoint.
"tenantIdAllowList" string[] List of Azure directory (tenant) IDs allowed to use the Web Service. This will normally be a single entry - the tenant ID of your organization. For more details, see the Deployment > Deployment Guide > Web Service section.
"userAllowList" string Case-insensitive regular expression that checks whether a user is allowed to log into the service (e.g. "^.*@interop[.]io$").

The following is an example configuration for the Web Service component:

    "appId": "my-web-service-app-id",
    "debug": false,
    "userWhitelist": "^.*@interop[.]io$",
    "tenantIdAllowList": ["my-tenant-id"]

Platform App

⚠️ Note that the Platform App component is optional. The Platform App and the UI actions it provides can't be used without the Web Service component.

The Platform App component is a standard Teams app written with the Microsoft Teams Toolkit. As such, its runtime configuration is a JSON file named manifest.json and located in the /appPackage directory of the ZIP delivery file.

Most of the properties in this file don't need to be modified. The only required change is to specify the URL of your Web Service component using the "validDomains" top-level array:

    "validDomains": [

You can use the "composeExtensions" top-level key to remove or modify the default UI actions, or to add your own custom UI actions. For more details, see the Functionalities > Usage > Platform App UI Actions section.