MS Office


The io.Connect Teams Adapter provides out-of-the-box implementations for the most common use cases when working with Teams chats, channels, events, files, and more. These functionalities can be used as Interop methods and Intents in the following ways:

Each functionality can be used as an Interop method or as an Intent. For instance, you can use "io.Teams.OpenChat" in the configuration of the Service App both as a name of an Interop method to invoke, or as a name of an Intent to raise. No matter which approach you choose, when this functionality is triggered, a chat in Teams will be opened. This allows you to choose which interoperability concept to employ depending on your preferences or on your existing implementation strategies.

Some functionalities accept as an argument an object with one or more properties that may be necessary for the execution of the underlying operation. If you decide to use such functionality as an Interop method, you must pass this object as an argument for the method invocation. If you decide to use the functionality as an Intent, you must pass the object as context for the raised Intent. In either case, the shape of the object containing the operation arguments is the same.

The following sections describe all available functionalities. The provided examples demonstrate invoking the functionalities as Interop methods, but you can use them in any of the ways described in the Functionalities section.

⚠️ Note that the Teams Adapter uses the Microsoft Graph API internally. This means that the default Interop methods and Intents registered by the Teams Adapter use as arguments and return as values objects from the Microsoft Graph API (e.g., objects describing chats, chat messages, channels, and other resources). You can find more detailed information about these objects in the official Microsoft Graph API reference documentation.



Returns an object containing information about the user currently logged in Teams.

The returned object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
email string Email of the currently logged in user.
id string Teams ID of the currently logged in user.
username string Teams username of the currently logged in user.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.UserInfo";

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName);



Updates dynamically the Service App configuration.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
customConfig object Custom configuration with which to update the existing one.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.UpdateConfig";
const args = {
    customConfig: {
        // Provide your custom configuration.

await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);


The following functionalities use similar patterns for identifying which chat to manipulate based on one or more of the following arguments: chatId, chatMembers, and chatName. The createIfNotExists argument is used to specify whether a new chat is to be created in case an already existing chat isn't found based on the provided arguments.

Consider the following when using methods for manipulating chats:

  • Only chats in which the current user participates are considered.

  • If chatId is specified, chatMembers or chatName must not be specified, otherwise an error will be thrown. The current user must be a member of the specified chat, otherwise an error will be thrown. If a chat isn't found, an error will be thrown and the createIfNotExists property will be ignored.

  • If one or both of chatMembers and chatName are specified, the Teams Adapter will search for an exact match based on the provided arguments. If more than one chat matching the criteria is found, an error will be thrown. If a matching chat isn't found, a new one will be created if createIfNotExists is set to true and chatMembers is provided. If createIfNotExists is set to false or the provided properties are invalid (e.g. chatName is rejected or chatMembers is missing or invalid), an error will be thrown.

  • If none of chatId, chatMembers, or chatName is specified, an error will be thrown.

  • If chatMembers is an empty array or contains only the current user, an error will be thrown.

If you need a more complex logic for finding a chat (such as matching the chat name based on a pattern, checking the chat type, selecting one of several chats with the same set of users without knowing their names), use "io.Teams.SearchChats" to filter the list of chats and then use the retrieved chat ID as a value for the chatId property.


Required permissions:

  • "Chat.Read"
  • "Chat.ReadBasic"
  • "Chat.ReadWrite"
  • "ChatMessage.Read"

Opens a chat in which the current user participates or optionally creates one if it doesn't exist. Returns information about the chat in the following format:

    chat: {
        // Chat details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
chatId string Teams chat ID.
chatMembers string[] List of user emails or Teams user IDs. Users can only interact with chats in which they participate. This means that if a user specified in this list isn't already part of the found chat, they will be automatically added to it.
chatName string Teams chat name.
createIfNotExists boolean If true, will create a new chat in case an already existing chat isn't found based on the provided arguments.
directDl boolean URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true.
directMode boolean If true, the specified Teams protocol handler will be used for retrieving the desired chat instead of using the Microsoft Graph API. Defaults to false.
directModeMessage string Pre-populated message. Can be used when directMode is set to true.
enableMobilePage boolean URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true. Defaults to true.
focusMessageId string ID of a chat message to focus.
fqdn string URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true. Defaults to
launchAgent string URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true. Defaults to "join_launcher".
msLaunch boolean URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true. Defaults to true.
protocol "ms-teams" | "msteams" Teams protocol handler to use. This protocol handler is automatically registered when the Teams app is installed. Defaults to the Teams protocol handler specified in the configuration of the Service App under the "defaultTeamsProtocol" property.
type string URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true. Defaults to "chat".

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.OpenChat";
const args = {
    chatMembers: ["", ""],
    createIfNotExists: true

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Chat.ReadWrite"
  • "ChatMessage.Send"

Sends an interactive card to an existing chat in which the user participates or optionally creates one if it doesn't exist and sends the card in it. Returns information about the chat and the sent message in the following format:

    chat: {
        // Chat details.
    message: {
        // Message details.
Property Type Description
chatId string Teams chat ID.
chatMembers string[] List of user emails or Teams user IDs. Users can only interact with chats in which they participate. This means that if a user specified in this list isn't already part of the found chat, they will be automatically added to it.
chatName string Teams chat name.
content object Describes the content of the interactive card.
createIfNotExists boolean If true, will create a new chat in case an already existing chat isn't found based on the provided arguments.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SendChatCard";
const args = {
    chatId: "teams-chat-id",
    content: {
        title: "Instrument Actions",
        subtitle: "Instrument in message: AAPL (Apple Inc)",
        buttons: [
                type: "openUrl",
                title: "Google",
                value: "",
                tooltip: "Search in Google"
                type: "openUrl",
                title: "Yahoo",
                value: "",
                tooltip: "Open instrument page in Yahoo Finance"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Chat.ReadWrite"
  • "ChatMessage.Send"

Sends a message to an existing chat in which the current user participates or optionally creates one if it doesn't exist and sends the message in it. Returns information about the chat and the sent message in the following format:

    chat: {
        // Chat details.
    message: {
        // Message details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
body object Defines the message content and content type. Use this instead of message if you want to include mentions in the message.
chatId string Teams chat ID.
chatMembers string[] List of user emails or Teams user IDs. Users can only interact with chats in which they participate. This means that if a user specified in this list isn't already part of the found chat, they will be automatically added to it.
chatName string Teams chat name.
createIfNotExists boolean If true, will create a new chat in case an already existing chat isn't found based on the provided arguments.
format "text" | "html" | "markdown" Text format.
importance "normal" | "high" | "urgent" Message importance.
mentions object[] List of objects defining mentions to include in the message. The attributes of each mention can be used in the message content specified in the body property.
message string Message to send. Use this if you are sending a simple message without mentions.

The body object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
content string Message content.
contentType "text" | "html" Type of the message content. Set to "html" when using mentions.

Each object in the mentions array has the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string Unique ID of the mentioned resource. Can be used as a mention identifier in the message content specified in the body property.
mentioned object[] Describes the mentioned resource.
mentionText string Text for the mention specified in the body property.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SendChatMessage";
const args = {
    chatId: "teams-chat-id",
    importance: "high",
    body: {
        // Mentioning a user in the message content.
        content: `Hi, <at id="0">${mention.mentionText}</at>!`,
        contentType: "html"
    mentions: [
        // Defining a user to mention.
            id: 0,
            mentionText: "John",
            mentioned: {
                user: {
                    displayName: "John Doe",
                    id: "teams-user-id",
                    userIdentityType: "aadUser"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Chat.ReadWrite"
  • "ChatMessage.Send"
  • "Files.ReadWrite"

Sends a file to an existing chat in which the user participates or optionally creates one if it doesn't exist and sends the the file in it. Returns information about the chat, the sent message, and the sent file in the following format:

    chat: {
        // Chat details.
    message: {
        // Message details.
    driveItem: {
        // File details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
allowUploadToDrive boolean Must be set to true if you want to send a file that isn't in located in Microsoft OneDrive.
chatId string Teams chat ID.
chatMembers string[] List of user emails or Teams user IDs. Users can only interact with chats in which they participate. This means that if a user specified in this list isn't already part of the found chat, they will be automatically added to it.
chatName string Teams chat name.
conflictBehavior "fail" | "rename" | "replace" Conflict resolution behavior in case a file with the same name already exists. Defaults to "replace".
createIfNotExists boolean If true, will create a new chat in case an already existing chat isn't found based on the provided arguments.
data File | Blob | string Data to upload. Required if url isn't specified.
dataIsBase64 boolean Must be set to true if the uploaded data is in Base64 format.
driveItemETag string The eTag of the already uploaded file. Required if url is specified.
name string Valid name for the uploaded file.
parentPath string Name of the parent directory that will contain the file.
url string The webUrl of the already uploaded file. Required if data isn't specified.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SendFileToChat";
const args = {
    chatId: "teams-chat-id",
    url: "",
    name: "my-uploaded-document.docx",
    driveItemETag: "drive-item-eTag"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Chat.Read"
  • "Chat.ReadBasic"
  • "Chat.ReadWrite"

Starts a call on the user machine with an existing chat in which the current member participates or optionally creates one if it doesn't exist and starts the call with it. Returns information about the chat in the following format:

    chat: {
        // Chat details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
callType "audio" | "video" Type of the call to initiate.
chatId string Teams chat ID.
chatMembers string[] List of user emails or Teams user IDs. Users can only interact with chats in which they participate. This means that if a user specified in this list isn't already part of the found chat, they will be automatically added to it.
chatName string Teams chat name.
createIfNotExists boolean If true, will create a new chat in case an already existing chat isn't found based on the provided arguments.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.PlaceChatCall";
const args = {
    chatId: "teams-chat-id",
    callType: "audio"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



The following functionalities use similar patterns for identifying which chat to manipulate based on one or more of the following arguments: channelName, channelId, teamName, and groupId.

Consider the following when using methods for manipulating chats:

  • Only channels in which the current user participates are considered.

  • If channelId is specified, channelName, teamName, or groupId must not be specified, otherwise an error will be thrown. The current user must be a member of the specified channel, otherwise an error will be thrown. If a channel isn't found.

  • If channelId isn't available, channelName and one of groupId or teamName must be provided, otherwise an error will be thrown. The Teams Adapter will search for a matching channel and if one isn't found, an error will be thrown.

If you need a more complex logic for choosing a channel, use "io.Teams.SearchChannels" to filter the list of channels and then use the retrieved channel ID as a value for the channelId property.


Required permissions:

  • "Channel.ReadBasic.All"
  • "ChannelMessage.Read.All"
  • "ChannelSettings.Read.All"
  • "Group.Read.All"
  • "Group.ReadWrite.All"
  • "Team.ReadBasic.All"
  • "User.Read.All"

Opens an existing channel in which the current user participates. Returns information about the channel in the following format:

    channel: {
        // Channel details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
channelId string Teams channel ID. If this is provided, you must not specify channelName, groupId, or teamName.
channelName string Teams channel name.
directDl boolean URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true.
directMode boolean If true, the specified Teams protocol handler will be used for retrieving the desired channel instead of using the Microsoft Graph API. Defaults to false.
directModeMessage string Pre-populated message. Can be used when directMode is set to true.
enableMobilePage boolean URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true. Defaults to true.
focusMessageId string ID of a channel message to focus.
fqdn string URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true. Defaults to
groupId string Teams team group ID.
launchAgent string URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true. Defaults to "join_launcher".
msLaunch boolean URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true. Defaults to true.
protocol "ms-teams" | "msteams" Teams protocol handler to use. This protocol handler is automatically registered when the Teams app is installed. Defaults to the Teams protocol handler specified in the configuration of the Service App under the "defaultTeamsProtocol" property.
teamName string Teams team name.
type string URL parameter for the Teams protocol handler. Can be used when directMode is set to true. Defaults to "channel".

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.OpenChannel";
const args = {
    channelId: "teams-channel-id"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Channel.ReadBasic.All"
  • "ChannelMessage.Read.All"
  • "ChannelSettings.Read.All"
  • "Group.Read.All"
  • "Group.ReadWrite.All"
  • "Team.ReadBasic.All"
  • "User.Read.All"

Sends an interactive card to an existing channel in which the user participates. Returns information about the sent message in the following format:

    message: {
        // Message details.
Property Type Description
channelId string Teams channel ID. If this is provided, you must not specify channelName, groupId, or teamName.
channelName string Teams channel name.
content object Describes the content of the interactive card.
groupId string Teams team group ID.
teamName string Teams team name.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SendChannelCard";
const args = {
    channelId: "teams-channel-id",
    content: {
        title: "Instrument Actions",
        subtitle: "Instrument in message: AAPL (Apple Inc)",
        buttons: [
                type: "openUrl",
                title: "Google",
                value: "",
                tooltip: "Search in Google"
                type: "openUrl",
                title: "Yahoo",
                value: "",
                tooltip: "Open instrument page in Yahoo Finance"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Channel.ReadBasic.All"
  • "ChannelMessage.Read.All"
  • "ChannelSettings.Read.All"
  • "Group.Read.All"
  • "Group.ReadWrite.All"
  • "Team.ReadBasic.All"
  • "User.Read.All"

Sends a message to an existing channel in which the current user participates. Returns information about the sent message in the following format:

    message: {
        // Message details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
body object Defines the message content and content type. Use this instead of message if you want to include mentions in the message.
channelId string Teams channel ID. If this is provided, you must not specify channelName, groupId, or teamName.
channelName string Teams channel name.
format "text" | "html" | "markdown" Text format.
groupId string Teams team group ID.
importance "normal" | "high" | "urgent" Message importance.
mentions object[] List of objects defining mentions to include in the message. The attributes of each mention can be used in the message content specified in the body property.
message string Message to send. Use this if you are sending a simple message without mentions.
replyTo string ID of a channel message to which to reply.
teamName string Teams team name.

The body object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
content string Message content.
contentType "text" | "html" Type of the message content. Set to "html" when using mentions.

Each object in the mentions array has the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string Unique ID of the mentioned resource. Can be used as a mention identifier in the message content specified in the body property.
mentioned object[] Describes the mentioned resource.
mentionText string Text for the mention specified in the body property.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SendChannelMessage";
const args = {
    channelId: "teams-channel-id",
    importance: "high",
    body: {
        // Mentioning a user in the message content.
        content: `Hi, <at id="0">${mention.mentionText}</at>!`,
        contentType: "html"
    mentions: [
        // Defining a user to mention.
            id: 0,
            mentionText: "John",
            mentioned: {
                user: {
                    displayName: "John Doe",
                    id: "teams-user-id",
                    userIdentityType: "aadUser"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Channel.ReadBasic.All"
  • "ChannelMessage.Read.All"
  • "ChannelSettings.Read.All"
  • "Files.ReadWrite"
  • "Group.Read.All"
  • "Group.ReadWrite.All"
  • "Team.ReadBasic.All"
  • "User.Read.All"

Sends a file to an existing channel in which the user participates. Returns information about the channel, the sent message, and the sent file in the following format:

    channel: {
        // Channel details.
    message: {
        // Message details.
    driveItem: {
        // File details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
allowUploadToDrive boolean Must be set to true if you want to send a file that isn't in located in Microsoft OneDrive.
channelId string Teams channel ID. If this is provided, you must not specify channelName, groupId, or teamName.
channelName string Teams channel name.
conflictBehavior "fail" | "rename" | "replace" Conflict resolution behavior in case a file with the same name already exists. Defaults to "replace".
data File | Blob | string Data to upload. Required if url isn't specified.
dataIsBase64 boolean Must be set to true if the uploaded data is in Base64 format.
driveItemETag string The eTag of the already uploaded file. Required if url is specified.
groupId string Teams team group ID.
name string Valid name for the uploaded file.
parentPath string Name of the parent directory that will contain the file.
replyTo string ID of a channel message to which to reply.
url string The webUrl of the already uploaded file. Required if data isn't specified.
teamName string Teams team name.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SendFileToChannel";
const args = {
    channelId: "teams-channel-id",
    url: "",
    name: "my-uploaded-document.docx",
    driveItemETag: "drive-item-eTag"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);




Required permissions:

  • "Files.ReadWrite"

Uploads a file to Microsoft OneDrive. Returns information about the uploaded file in the following format:

    data: {
        // File details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
conflictBehavior "fail" | "rename" | "replace" Conflict resolution behavior in case a file with the same name already exists. Defaults to "replace".
data File | Blob | string Data to upload.
dataIsBase64 boolean Must be set to true if the uploaded data is in Base64 format.
name string Valid name for the uploaded file.
parentPath string Name of the parent directory that will contain the file.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.UploadToDrive";
const args = {
    name: "my-uploaded-document.docx",
    data: myBase64String,
    dataIsBase64: true

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);




Required permissions:

  • "Calendars.ReadWrite"

Creates a calendar event. Returns information about the created event in the following format:

    event: {
        // Event details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
attendees object[] Required. List of objects describing the event attendees.
body object Required. Text body for the event item.
end object Required. End time of the event.
isOnlineMeeting boolean If true, the event will be created as an online meeting.
location object Required. Object with a displayName string property holding the name of the event location.
onlineMeetingProvider "unknown" | "teamsForBusiness" | "skypeForBusiness" | "skypeForConsumer" Online meeting provider.
start object Required. Start time of the event.
subject string Required. Subject for the event item.

Each object in the attendees array has the following properties:

Property Type Description
emailAddress object Required. Object with address and name string properties holding the email address and the name of the attendee respectively.
type "required" | "optional" | "resource" Required. Specifies the type of the attendee.

The body object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
content string Required. Text content for the event item.
contentType "HTML" | "text" Required. Type of the text content for the event item.

The start and end objects have the following properties:

Property Type Description
dateTime string Required. Timestamp for the event start or end in date time string format (e.g., 2024-07-19T12:00:00).
timeZone string Required. Time zone name for the event start or end (e.g., "Pacific Standard Time").

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.CreateEvent";
const args = {
    subject: "My Event",
    body: {
        contentType: "text",
        content: "Welcome to my event!"
    start: {
        dateTime: "2024-07-19T12:00:00",
        timeZone: "Pacific Standard Time"
    end: {
        dateTime: "2024-07-19T12:30:00",
        timeZone: "Pacific Standard Time"
        displayName: "Online"
    attendees: [
            emailAddress: {
                name: "John Doe"
            type: "required"
            emailAddress: {
                name: "Jane Doe"
            type: "required"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "OnlineMeetings.Read"
  • "OnlineMeetingTranscript.Read.All"

Retrieves list of the call transcripts for a Teams online meeting in the following format:

    transcripts: [
            // Call transcript details.
Property Type Description
parse boolean If true, the call transcripts will be returned in JSON format. Otherwise, the call transcripts will be returned in VTT format.
webUrl string | string[] Required. The join URL (or a list of join URLs) for a Teams online meeting.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.GetMeetingTranscript";
const args = {
    webUrl: "",
    parse: true

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Channel.ReadBasic.All"
  • "ChannelSettings.Read.All"
  • "Group.Read.All"
  • "Group.ReadWrite.All"
  • "Team.ReadBasic.All"
  • "User.Read.All"

Searches the list of channels in which the user participates. This functionality can be invoked without arguments - in this case, an array of all channels in which the user participates will be returned. If providing arguments, it's required to specify either groupId or teamName in the arguments. If you provide only groupId or teamName as an argument, all channels in the specified team will be returned. The channelId and channelName properties can't be used simultaneously. All matching channels will be returned. If no channel is found, will return an empty array.

⚠️ Note that due to limitations of the Microsoft Graph API, using channelId or channelName without specifying groupId or teamName won't work.

Returns information about the found channels in the following format:

    channels: [
            // Channel details.
    // Returned when the result set is paginated.
    // Use in a subsequent request to retrieve the next result page.
    $skipToken: "skip-token"

⚠️ Note that due to server-side paging, this functionality may not return all requested entries in one response. In this case, a "$skipToken" property will be returned, which the caller must pass in a subsequent request to get the next batch of entries.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
$filter string OData filter expression.
$skipToken string OData query parameter. Returned in the response when the result set is paginated. Use the returned value in a subsequent request to retrieve the next page of a paginated result set.
channelId string Teams channel ID.
channelName string Teams channel name.
groupId string Teams team group ID. Required if teamName isn't provided.
teamName string Teams team name. Required if groupId isn't provided.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SearchChannels";
const args = {
    teamName: "My Team"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "ChannelMessage.Read.All"

Searches for chat messages in Teams channels by provided messageId or a combination of channelId and groupId. If messageId is specified, channelId and groupId must not be specified. If messageId isn't provided, will search through all available messages.

⚠️ Note that this method uses payment models for access to paid Microsoft Graph APIs.

Returns information about the found chat messages in the following format:

    messages: [
            // Message details.
    // Returned when the result set is paginated.
    // Use in a subsequent request to retrieve the next result page.
    $skipToken: "skip-token"

⚠️ Note that due to server-side paging, this functionality may not return all requested entries in one response (even if $top is specified). In this case, a "$skipToken" property will be returned, which the caller must pass in a subsequent request to get the next batch of entries.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
$filter string OData filter expression.
$skipToken string OData query parameter. Returned in the response when the result set is paginated. Use the returned value in a subsequent request to retrieve the next page of a paginated result set.
$top number Specifies the maximum number of entries to be included in the response.
channelId string Teams channel ID.
groupId string Teams team group ID.
messageId string Teams message ID. If this is provided, you must not specify channelId or groupId.
paymentModel "A" | "B" | null Specifies the Teams payment model.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SearchChannelMessages";
const args = {
    channelId: "teams-channel-id"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Chat.Read.All"
  • "Chat.ReadWrite.All"

Searches for chat messages in Teams chats by provided messageId or chatId. The messageId and chatId properties can't be used simultaneously. This functionality can be invoked without arguments - in this case, it will search through all available messages.

⚠️ Note that this method uses payment models for access to paid Microsoft Graph APIs.

Returns information about the found chat messages in the following format:

    messages: [
            // Message details.
    // Returned when the result set is paginated.
    // Use in a subsequent request to retrieve the next result page.
    $skipToken: "skip-token"

⚠️ Note that due to server-side paging, this functionality may not return all requested entries in one response (even if $top is specified). In this case, a "$skipToken" property will be returned, which the caller must pass in a subsequent request to get the next batch of entries.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
$filter string OData filter expression.
$skipToken string OData query parameter. Returned in the response when the result set is paginated. Use the returned value in a subsequent request to retrieve the next page of a paginated result set.
$top number Specifies the maximum number of entries to be included in the response.
chatId string Teams chat ID. If this is provided, you must not specify messageId.
messageId string Teams message ID. If this is provided, you must not specify chatId.
paymentModel "A" | "B" | null Specifies the Teams payment model.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SearchChatMessages";
const args = {
    chatId: "teams-chat-id"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Chat.Read"
  • "Chat.ReadBasic"
  • "Chat.ReadWrite"
  • "ChatMessage.Read"

Searches through all chats in which the user participates. All arguments for the search operation are optional. This functionality can be invoked without arguments - in this case, an array of all chats in which the user participates will be returned. All chats that match the search criteria will be returned. If no chats are found, will return an empty array.

⚠️ Note that due to server-side paging, this functionality may not return all requested entries in one response (even if $top is specified). In this case, a "$skipToken" property will be returned, which the caller must pass in a subsequent request to get the next batch of entries.

Returns information about the found chats in the following format:

    chats: [
            // Chat details.
    // Returned when the result set is paginated.
    // Use in a subsequent request to retrieve the next result page.
    $skipToken: "skip-token"

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
$expand string Expands the response by including additional fields in it.
$filter string OData filter expression.
$orderBy string Orders the results by a specified field name.
$skipToken string OData query parameter. Returned in the response when the result set is paginated. Use the returned value in a subsequent request to retrieve the next page of a paginated result set.
$top number Specifies the maximum number of entries to be included in the response.
chatId string Teams chat ID.
chatMembers string[] List of user emails or Teams user IDs. Users can only interact with chats in which they participate.
chatName string Teams chat name.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SearchChats";
const args = {
    chatId: "teams-chat-id"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "User.ReadBasic.All"

Retrieves a list of Teams users based on the provided search criteria.

Returns information about the found users in the following format:

    contacts: [
            // User details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
$count boolean Retrieves the total number of results in the response.
$expand string Expands the response by including additional fields in it.
$filter string OData filter expression.
$orderBy string Orders the results by a specified field name.
$search string Limits the results based on a search criterion.
$select string Specifies a subset of properties to return for each result.
$top number Specifies the maximum number of entries to be included in the response.
userId string Teams user ID.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SearchContacts";
const args = {
    userId: "teams-user-id"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Calendars.Read"

Retrieves a list of calendar events based on the provided search criteria.

Returns information about the found calendar events in the following format:

    events: [
            // Event details.
    // Number of skipped results. If there aren't skipped results, will be set to `null`.
    // Skipped results are counted from the start of the results collection in the response.
    $skip: "10"

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
$count boolean Retrieves the total number of results in the response.
$expand string Expands the response by including additional fields in it.
$filter string OData filter expression.
$format string Specifies the format of the returned results (e.g., JSON, XML).
$orderBy string Orders the results by a specified field name.
$search string Limits the results based on a search criterion.
$select string Specifies a subset of properties to return for each result.
$skip string Specifies the number of results to skip (from the start of the result collection) in the response. Can be used in combination with $top for pagination.
$top number Specifies the maximum number of entries to be included in the response.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SearchEvents";
const args = {
    $filter: "startswith(subject, 'All')"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);



Required permissions:

  • "Group.Read.All"
  • "Group.ReadWrite.All"
  • "Team.ReadBasic.All"
  • "User.Read.All"

Retrieves a collection of teams in which the user participates. This functionality can be invoked without arguments - in this case, it will return all teams in which the user participates.

Returns information about the found teams in the following format:

    teams: [
            // Team details.

Accepts as an argument an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
groupId string Teams team group ID.
teamName string Teams team name.

Example Interop method invocation:

const methodName = "io.Teams.SearchTeams";
const args = {
    teamName: "My Team"

const result = await io.interop.invoke(methodName, args);
