

The Bloomberg Worksheets are spreadsheets containing a list of securities to monitor. Through the Bloomberg Adapter API, when you create, delete or update a Bloomberg worksheet, the changes are synchronized across the Bloomberg apps and your interop-enabled apps in both directions.

Worksheet Operations

Get Worksheets

Get the known worksheets as an array of composites describing each worksheet:

  • Interop method name: "T42.BBG.GetWorksheets"
  • Accepts: void
  • Returns: An array of objects describing each worksheet:
    • id - Bloomberg ID of the worksheet;
    • name - name of the worksheet;
    • isActive - whether the worksheet is active or deactivated;


const result = await io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.GetWorksheets");

// Example value:
// [
//     {id: "w-3621FCB487E84794A4DB8E4D6CA2042F", name: "Test Worksheet", isActive: true},
//     {id: "w-4FA26721722F47A9817AFA05FFF60F87", name: "New Worksheet", isActive: true}
// ]
const worksheets = result.returned.worksheets;

Create Worksheets

Create a worksheet by name and its initial list of securities. This will create a new worksheet within the Bloomberg Terminal with the given name and securities. This can later be updated by worksheetId, returned in the resulting composite value:

  • Interop method name: "T42.BBG.CreateWorksheet"
  • Accepts: A name for the worksheet as a string and an array of securities to be included in the worksheet;
  • Returns: An object describing the created worksheet:
    • id - Bloomberg ID of the worksheet;
    • name - name of the worksheet;
    • isActive - whether the worksheet is active or deactivated;


const invocationOptions = {
    name: "Test Worksheet",
    securities: ["VOD LN Equity", "BARC LN Equity"]
const result = await io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.CreateWorksheet", invocationOptions);

// Example value:
// {id: "w-954D2AD1EB8D4C6C9DD7514E940D46AB", name: "Test Worksheet", isActive: true}
const worksheet = result.returned.worksheet;

Worksheet Context

Get Worksheet Securities

Retrieve the securities of a worksheet by a given worksheet ID. IDs can be retrieved with a "T42.BBG.GetWorksheets" call for existing worksheets or "T42.BBG.CreateWorksheet" for new worksheets:

(string[] securities) T42.BBG.GetWorksheetSecurities (string worksheetId)
  • Interop method name: "T42.BBG.GetWorksheetSecurities"
  • Accepts: A worksheetId as a string;
  • Returns: A string array of the securities that the worksheet contains;


let result;

result = await io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.GetWorksheets");

const worksheets = result.returned.worksheets;
const worksheet = worksheets.find(w => === "Test Worksheet");
const worksheetId =;

result = await io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.GetWorksheetSecurities", { worksheetId });

// Example value:
// ["VOD LN Equity", "BARC LN Equity"]
const securities = result.returned.securities;

Replace Worksheet Securities

Replace the securities of a worksheet by a given worksheet ID and a list of securities. All existing securities will be removed and replaced by the specified ones:

  • Interop method name: "T42.BBG.SetWorksheetSecurities"
  • Accepts: A string array of securities with which to replace the existing ones and a worksheetId as a string;
  • Returns: void


let result;

result = await io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.GetWorksheets");

const worksheets = result.returned.worksheets;
const worksheet = worksheets.find(w => === "Test Worksheet");
const worksheetId =;
const securities = ["MSFT US Equity"];

io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.SetWorksheetSecurities", { securities, worksheetId });

Append Worksheet Securities

Append securities to a worksheet by a given worksheet ID and a list of securities. The specified securities will be appended to the existing ones:

  • Interop method name: "T42.BBG.AppendWorksheetSecurities"
  • Accepts: A string array of securities which to append to the existing ones and a worksheetId as a string;
  • Returns: void


let result;

result = await io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.GetWorksheets");

const worksheets = result.returned.worksheets;
const worksheet = worksheets.find(w => === "Test Worksheet");
const worksheetId =;
const securities = ["VOD LN Equity", "BARC LN Equity"];

io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.AppendWorksheetSecurities", { securities, worksheetId });

Remove Worksheet Securities

Remove securities of a worksheet by a given worksheet ID and a list of securities to be removed from the worksheet:

  • Interop method name: "T42.BBG.RemoveWorksheetSecurities"
  • Accepts: A string array of securities which to append to the existing ones and a worksheetId as a string;
  • Returns: void


let result;

result = await io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.GetWorksheets");

const worksheets = result.returned.worksheets;
const worksheet = worksheets.find(w => === "Test Worksheet");
const worksheetId =;
const securities = ["MSFT US Equity"];

io.interop.invoke("T42.BBG.RemoveWorksheetSecurities", { securities, worksheetId });