How to...


The io.Connect C Exports library offers easy access to io.Connect functionalities via exported C functions. It can be used by any native language that supports external C functions.

All examples of using the io.Connect C Exports library are in C++.

See the C++ Console and MFC examples on GitHub demonstrating various io.Connect Desktop features.

See also the Python language adapter example on GitHub that demonstrates using io.Connect functionalities in Python via the C Exports library.


The io.Connect C Exports library is available on GitHub.

To use the io.Connect C Exports library, include its header file in your project:

#include "GlueCLILib.h"

⚠️ Note that you must add the GlueCLILib.lib file to your project dependencies in the IDE (e.g., Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies for Visual Studio). All necessary dependencies (GlueCLILib.lib, GlueCLILib.dll, ioConnectNET.dll) must be located in the directory where you will build the EXE file.


To initialize the io.Connect library in your app, use the glue_init() method passing a name for your app, a callback for handling io.Connect connection status events and an optional callback cookie. The connection status handler must be a glue_init_callback_function that will be invoked with the current connection state in the form of a glue_state value, a message related to the current state, an io.Connect starting context in the form of a glue_payload value and an optional callback cookie as arguments.

// Callback for handling io.Connect connection status events.
void connection_status_callback (glue_state state, const char* message, const glue_payload* glue_payload, COOKIE cookie) {

    std::cout << "io.Connect state: " << enum_as_int(state) << " Message: " << message << std::endl;

    if (state == glue_state::connected) {
        // io.Connect has been initialized successfully and is ready for use.

// Initialize io.Connect in your app.
glue_init("my_cpp_app", &connection_status_callback);

App Definition

To add your C++ app (or any EXE app) to the io.Connect launcher, you must create a JSON file with app definition. Place this file in the %LocalAppData%/ Desktop/UserData/<ENV>-<REG>/apps folder, where <ENV>-<REG> represents the environment and region of io.Connect Desktop (e.g., DEMO-INTEROP.IO).

The following is an example definition of a C++ app:

    "title": "My C++ App",
    "type": "exe",
    "name": "my-cpp-app",
    "details": {
        "path": "%GDDIR%/../Demos/CPPDemo/",
        "command": "MyCPPApp.exe",
        "parameters": " --mode=1"

The "name", "type" and "path" properties are required and "type" must be set to "exe". The "path" property points to the app working directory.

The value of the "title" property will be used as a name for the app in the io.Connect launcher and as a window title.

For more details, see the Developers > Configuration > Application section.

io.Connect C Exports Concepts

Once the io.Connect library has been initialized, your app has access to all io.Connect functionalities. For more detailed information on the different io.Connect capabilities and APIs, see:

The following sections explain concepts related to using the io.Connect C Exports library.

Using io.Connect Values

The io.Connect C Exports library offers defined structures for the data that is sent or received vian io.Connect, as well as functions for reading these data structures. The results from invoking Interop methods, the Interop streaming data, as well as the context values when using Shared Contexts and Channels are in the form of io.Connect data structures.

io.Connect Data Structures

  • glue_value

The glue_value structure encapsulates all possible values that can be sent or received vian io.Connect:

struct glue_value {
    union {
        bool b;
        int i;
        long long l;
        double d;
        const char* s;

        bool* bb;
        int* ii;
        long long* ll;
        double* dd;
        const char** ss;

        glue_arg* composite;
        glue_value* tuple;

    glue_type type;
    int len;
  • glue_arg

The glue_arg structure represents a named glue_value:

struct glue_arg {
    const char* name;
    glue_value value;
  • glue_payload

The glue_payload structure represents data payloads received when using Interop methods and streams, Shared Contexts and Channels. Contains a reader to help consume the data, the origin of the data payload, a status indicating the state of the method invocation (when the payload is a result returned from Interop method invocation), a glue_arg array holding the data payload and the length of the data payload array:

struct glue_payload {
    const void* reader;
    const char* origin;
    int status;
    const glue_arg* args;
    int args_len;

Creating io.Connect Values

Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glv_ to create glue_value values:

// Signatures of the `glv_` methods for creating io.Connect values.

// Creates an io.Connect `bool` value.
glv_b(bool b) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `bool[]` value.
glv_bb(bool* bb, int len) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `double` value.
glv_d(double d) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `double[]` value.
glv_dd(double* dd, int len) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `int` value.
glv_i(int i) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `int[]` value.
glv_ii(int* ii, int len) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `long long` value.
glv_l(long long l) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `long long[]` value.
glv_ll(long long* ll, int len) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `string` value.
glv_s(const char* s) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `string[]` value.
glv_ss(const char** ss, int len) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `long long` value representing a date in milliseconds since epoch.
glv_dt(long long l) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `long long[]` value representing an array of dates in milliseconds since epoch.
glv_dts(long long* ll, int len) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `glue_arg` value (composite) representing an object.
glv_comp(glue_arg* composite, int len) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `glue_arg` value (composite) representing
// a map of objects (an interpretational difference with non-array composites).
glv_comps(glue_arg* composite, int len) -> glue_value;

// Creates an io.Connect `glue_value` representing a tuple that may be heterogeneous.
glv_tuple(glue_value* tuple, int len) -> glue_value;

The following example demonstrates some of the io.Connect methods for creating glue_value values:

new glue_value[] {
    glv_ii([42, 4242]),
    glv_tuple(["io", 42, 42.42])

Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glarg_ to create named glue_value values:

// Signatures of the `glarg_` methods for creating named io.Connect values.

// Creates a `bool` value.
glarg_b(const char* name, bool b) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `bool[]` value.
glarg_bb(const char* name, bool* bb, int len) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `double` value.
glarg_d(const char* name, double d) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `double[]` value.
glarg_dd(const char* name, double* dd, int len) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `int` value.
glarg_i(const char* name, int i) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `int[]` value.
glarg_ii(const char* name, int* ii, int len) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `long long` value.
glarg_l(const char* name, long long l) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `long long[]` value.
glarg_ll(const char* name, long long* ll, int len) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `string` value.
glarg_s(const char* name, const char* s) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `string[]` value.
glarg_ss(const char* name, const char** ss, int len) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `long long` value representing a date in milliseconds since epoch.
glarg_dt(const char* name, long long l) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `long long[]` value representing an array of dates in milliseconds since epoch.
glarg_dts(const char* name, long long* ll, int len) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `glue_arg` value (composite) representing an object.
glarg_comp(const char* name, glue_arg* composite, int len) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `glue_arg` value (composite) representing
// a map of objects (an interpretational difference with non-array commposites).
glarg_comps(const char* name, glue_arg* composite, int len) -> glue_arg;

// Creates a named io.Connect `glue_value` representing a tuple that may be heterogeneous.
glarg_tuple(const char* name, glue_value* tuple, int len) -> glue_arg;

The following example demonstrates some of the io.Connect methods for creating named glue_value values:

// Array of `glue_arg` values.
glue_arg result[] = {
    glarg_i("io", 42),
    glarg_s("io", "42"),
    // A structured composite value.
    glarg_comp("sender", new glue_arg[] {
        glarg_comp("contact", new glue_arg[] {
            glarg_s("name", "Support")
        }, 1),
        glarg_s("email", "")
    }, 2),
    glarg_dt("date", 1645551286008l),
    // A named heterogeneous tuple.
    glarg_tuple("io.Connect", new glue_value[]{ glv_i(42), glv_b(true), glv_d(42.42) }, 3)

Reading io.Connect Values

Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glue_read_ to read glue_value values. Each method accepts a reader returned by glue_payload or by glue_read_context_sync() as a first argument and a dot-separated field path from which to read.

Method Description
glue_read_b() Reads an io.Connect bool value.
glue_read_d() Reads an io.Connect double value.
glue_read_i() Reads an io.Connect int value.
glue_read_l() Reads an io.Connect long long value.
glue_read_s() Reads an io.Connect const char* value.
glue_read_json() Reads a JSON value.
glue_read_glue_value() Reads a glue_value value.

⚠️ Note that all methods return the read value type and the glue_read_json() method returns a string encoded as a JSON - e.g., "{x: 42, y: {a: 42.42, b: \"io\"}}".

Traversing io.Connect Payloads

The following example demonstrates how to traverse io.Connect value structures and extract data:

void handle_payload(const char* endpoint, COOKIE cookie, const glue_payload* payload) {

    // Traversing a `glue_value` structure.
    for (int i = 0; i < payload->args_len; i++) {

        const auto glue_val = payload->args[i].value;

        if (glue_val.len < 0) {
            // Non-array io.Connect value.
            std::cout << "Non-array io.Connect value: ";

            switch (glue_val.type) {
                case glue_type::glue_bool:
                    std::cout << glue_val.b << std::endl;
                case glue_type::glue_int:
                    std::cout << glue_val.i << std::endl;
                case glue_type::glue_long:
                    std::cout << glue_val.l << std::endl;
                case glue_type::glue_double:
                    std::cout << glue_val.d << std::endl;
                case glue_type::glue_string:
                    std::cout << glue_val.s << std::endl;
                // Milliseconds since epoch.
                case glue_type::glue_datetime:
                    std::cout << glue_val.l << std::endl;
                // Represents an object - a `glue_arg` value (named `glue_value`).
                // Traverse recursively.
                case glue_type::glue_composite:
                    std::cout << glue_val.composite << std::endl;
        else {
            // Array io.Connect value.
            std::cout << "Array io.Connect value length: " << glue_val.len << " Value: ";

            switch (glue_val.type) {
                case glue_type::glue_bool:
                    std::cout << << std::endl;
                case glue_type::glue_int:
                    std::cout << glue_val.ii << std::endl;
                case glue_type::glue_long:
                    std::cout << glue_val.ll << std::endl;
                case glue_type::glue_double:
                    std::cout << glue_val.dd << std::endl;
                case glue_type::glue_string:
                    std::cout << << std::endl;
                case glue_type::glue_datetime:
                    std::cout << glue_val.ll << std::endl;
                // Represents an array of `glue_value` (can be non-homogeneous).
                // Traverse recursively.
                case glue_type::glue_tuple:
                    std::cout << glue_val.tuple << std::endl;
                // Represents a map of objects (an interpretational difference with non-array commposites).
                // Traverse recursively.
                case glue_type::glue_composite_array:
                    std::cout << glue_val.composite << std::endl;

Destroying Resources

To destroy io.Connect resources after they have been utilized, use the glue_destroy_resource() method. The following example demonstrates how to destroy a writer resource after it has been used to update a field in a Channel context:

const auto writer = glue_get_context_writer("MyContext", "data.glue");

glue_push_json_payload(writer, "{a: { b: 42.42, c: [42, 42.42], d: \"io.Connect\"}}");

// Destroying the io.Connect resource.

C Exports Reference

This reference describes the exported io.Connect C functions, the available io.Connect data structures, enumerations and types of callback functions.



Represents a named glue_value. Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glarg_ to create named io.Connect values.


struct glue_arg
    const char* name;
    glue_value value;

See also:


Represents data payload received when using Interop methods and streams, Shared Contexts, Channels. Contains the data origin point and a reader to facilitate consuming the data. Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glue_read_ to read the data.


struct glue_payload
    const void* reader;
    const char* origin;
    int status;
    const glue_arg* args;
    int args_len;

See also:


Encapsulates all possible values that can be sent or received vian io.Connect. Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glv_ to create io.Connect values.


struct glue_value
        bool b;
        int i;
        long long l;
        double d;
        const char* s;

        bool* bb;
        int* ii;
        long long* ll;
        double* dd;
        const char** ss;

        glue_arg* composite;
        glue_value* tuple;

    glue_type type;
    int len;

See also:



Represents the available commands passed to app_callback_function.


enum class glue_app_command {
Command Description
create The app has been created.
init The app has been initialized.
save The app state has been saved.
shutdown The app has been shut down.


Represents the state of the connection to io.Connect.


enum class glue_state {
State Description
connected Connected to io.Connect.
connecting Connecting to io.Connect.
disconnected Disconnected from io.Connect.
initialized The io.Connect library has been initialized.
none Information about the connection to io.Connect isn't available yet.


Represents the available io.Connect value types.


enum class glue_type {

⚠️ Note that glue_composite_array is a map of composite objects.


Represents the available commands passed to glue_window_callback_function.

enum class glue_window_command {
Command Description
channel_switch The window Channel has been changed.
data_update The data of the Channel to which the window is joined has been updated.
init The window has been initialized.



Callback function for handling events related to app instances.


typedef void (*app_callback_function)(
    glue_app_command command,
    const void* callback,
    const glue_payload* payload,


Name Type Description
command glue_app_command Use the command to determine the type of the app instance event.
callback const void* Correlational callback that can be passed to other io.Connect methods - e.g., to glue_app_announce_instance() when announcing the newly created app instance, or to glue_push_payload() when saving the app state.
payload const glue_payload A glue_payload value that can be used for initial or restored state of the app.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.


Callback function for handling shared context updates when subscribing to or reading a shared contexts.


typedef void (*context_function)(
    const char* context_name,
    const char* field_path,
    const glue_value*,


Name Type Description
context_name const char* Name of the shared context.
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path in the shared context from where the data has been read or a path to the specific field in the shared context for which you have subscribed.
glue_value const glue_value* A glue_value value representing the shared context data.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.


Callback function for handling status changes of Interop endpoints - e.g., when an Interop method has been registered or unregistered.


typedef void (*glue_endpoint_status_callback_function)(
    const char* endpoint_name,
    const char* origin,
    bool state,


Name Type Description
endpoint_name const char* Name of the Interop method.
origin const char* ID of the Interop server that has registered or unregistered the Interop method.
state bool If true, the Interop method has been registered. If false, the Interop method has been unregistered.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.


Callback function for handling status changes when initializing io.Connect.


typedef void (*glue_init_callback_function)(
    glue_state state,
    const char* message,
    const glue_payload*,


Name Type Description
state glue_state Status of the io.Connect connection.
message const char* Message related to the io.Connect status.
glue_payload const glue_payload* A glue_payload value representing the starting context.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.


Callback function for handling events related to registered io.Connect Windows.


typedef void (*glue_window_callback_function)(
    glue_window_command command,
    const char* context_name,


Name Type Description
command glue_window_command Use the command to determine the type of the io.Connect Window event.
context_name const char* Name of the Channel context to which the window is joined.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.


Callback function for handling Interop method invocations.


typedef void (*invocation_callback_function)(
    const char* endpoint_name,
    const glue_payload* payload,
    const void* endpoint


Name Type Description
endpoint_name const char* The name of the registered Interop method.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.
payload const glue_payload* A glue_payload value holding the invocation arguments.
endpoint const void* Correlational endpoint that can be used to send the invocation result (e.g., using the glue_push_payload() or glue_push_failure() methods).


Callback function for handling payloads received from invoking an Interop method on multiple Interop targets.


typedef void (*multiple_payloads_function)(
    const char* origin,
    const glue_payload* payloads,
    int len


Name Type Description
origin const char* The name of the registered Interop method.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.
payloads const glue_payload* A glue_payload value holding the multiple invocation results.
len int The number of the Interop targets from which results have been received.


Callback function for handling the payload received from an Interop target (method invocation or stream subscription).


typedef void (*payload_function)(
    const char* origin,
    const glue_payload* payload


Name Type Description
origin const char* The name of the registered Interop method or stream.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.
payload const glue_payload* A glue_payload value holding the invocation result or stream data.


Callback function for handling Interop stream subscription requests. To accept the subscription, return true. To reject the subscription, return false.


typedef bool (*stream_callback_function)(
    const char* endpoint_name,
    const glue_payload* payload,
    const char*& branch


Name Type Description
endpoint_name const char* The name of the registered Interop stream.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.
payload const glue_payload* A glue_payload value holding the arguments of the subscription request.
branch const char*& The stream branch to which the subscriber is to be assigned. To assign a subscriber to the main branch, use nullptr.



Announces the successful creation of an app.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_app_announce_instance(
    const void* app_factory_request,
    HWND hwnd,
    app_callback_function app_callback,
    glue_window_callback_function window_callback,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
app_factory_request const void* The correlational callback from the app_callback_function passed to the glue_app_register_factory() method when registering the app factory.
hwnd HWND The window handle.
app_callback app_callback_function Callback function for handling app instance events.
window_callback glue_window_callback_function Callback function for handling io.Connect Window events.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: 0 if successful.


Registers an app factory.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_app_register_factory(
    const char* app_factory,
    app_callback_function callback,
    const char* app_definition_json = nullptr,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
app_factory const char* The name of the app.
callback app_callback_function Callback function for handling app instance events. Will be called when an instance of the app is created.
app_definition_json const char* Optional JSON representation of the app definition to be used.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: Reference to the app factory. Call glue_destroy_resource() to unregister the app factory.


Destroys io.Connect subscriptions, streams, branches, methods, readers, writers and releases any memory obtained by them.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_destroy_resource(const void* resource);


Name Type Description
resource const void* The resource to destroy.

Return value: 0 if the resource is successfully destroyed.

See also:


Gets a writer for an io.Connect Channel context or a shared context and a field path. Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glue_push_ to write.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_get_context_writer(
    const char* context,
    const char* field_path


Name Type Description
context const char* The name of the the shared or Channel context.
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path for the writer designating where the data will be written.

Return value: Reference to the writer for the specified field path.


Gets a reader for the io.Connect starting context.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_get_starting_context_reader();

Parameters: None

Return value: Reference to the reader for the io.Connect starting context. Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glue_read_ to read.


Initializes io.Connect asynchronously with the specified app name and a callback for handling io.Connect status changes.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_init(
    const char* app_name,
    glue_init_callback_function callback = nullptr,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
app_name const char* The app name to be used when announcing to io.Connect.
callback glue_init_callback_function Callback function for handling io.Connect status updates.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: 0 if the arguments have been successfully validated.


Invokes an Interop method only on the best Interop server (usually the first that has registered the method with that name).


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_invoke(
    const char* endpoint_name,
    const glue_arg* args,
    int len,
    payload_function callback = nullptr,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
endpoint_name const char* The name of the Interop method to invoke.
args const glue_arg* An array of glue_arg values representing the arguments for the method invocation.
len int The length of the invocation arguments array.
callback payload_function Callback function for handling the result from the method invocation.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: 0 if the invocation is successful.


Invokes all Interop methods with the same name on all servers offering them.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_invoke_all(
    const char* endpoint_name,
    const glue_arg* args,
    int len,
    multiple_payloads_function callback = nullptr,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
endpoint_name const char* The name of the Interop method to invoke.
args const glue_arg* An array of glue_arg values representing the arguments for the method invocation.
len int The length of the invocation arguments array.
callback multiple_payloads_function Callback function for handling the results from the method invocation on all Interop targets.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: 0 if the invocation is successful.


Checks whether this process has been launched by io.Connect Desktop (e.g., starting an app or loading a Layout).


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API bool __cdecl glue_is_launched_by_gd();

Parameters: None

Return value: true if the process has been launched by io.Connect Desktop, otherwise - false.


Opens an already existing Interop stream branch by name (e.g., to push data to it).


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_open_streaming_branch(
    const void* stream,
    const char* branch


Name Type Description
stream const void* The registered Interop stream.
branch const char* The name of the Interop stream branch as specified in the stream_callback_function for handling subscription requests.

Return value: Reference to the stream branch. Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glue_push_ to push data to that specific branch.


Pushes a failure message to an endpoint (e.g., failed invocation request, failed app factory registration).


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_push_failure(
    const void* endpoint,
    const char* message


Name Type Description
endpoint const void* Reference to the endpoint to which to push the message. The reference can be obtained from the corresponding invocation or registration call.
message const char* Message describing the failure.

Return value: 0 if the error message is pushed successfully.


Pushes a JSON payload to an endpoint (e.g., result from an invocation request, data from an Interop stream or a stream branch).


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_push_json_payload(
    const void* endpoint,
    const char* json


Name Type Description
endpoint const void* Reference to the endpoint to which to push the data. The reference can be obtained from the corresponding invocation or registration call.
json const char* Data to push as a correctly formatted JSON string - e.g., "{x: 42, y: {a: 42.42, s: \"io\"}}".

Return value: 0 if the JSON string is parsed and pushed successfully.


Pushes an array of glue_arg values to an endpoint (e.g., result from an invocation request, data from an Interop stream or a stream branch).


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_push_payload(
    const void* endpoint,
    const glue_arg* args,
    int len


Name Type Description
endpoint const void* Reference to the endpoint to which to push the data. The reference can be obtained from the corresponding invocation or registration call.
args const glue_arg* An array of glue_arg values representing the data to push.
len int The length of the glue_arg array.

Return value: 0 if the data is pushed successfully.


Reads a bool value from a field path in a reader.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API bool __cdecl glue_read_b(
    const void* reader,
    const char* field_path


Name Type Description
reader const void* The reader obtained from a glue_payload or glue_read_context_sync().
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path for the reader designating from where to read the value.

Return value: the read bool value.


Opens a shared or Channel context asynchronously by name and calls back with a reader in the context_function callback.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_read_context(
    const char* context,
    const char* field_path,
    context_function callback,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
context const char* The name of the shared or Channel context to read.
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path for the reader designating from where to read the data.
callback context_function Callback function for handling the context data.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: 0 if the data is read successfully.


Gets a reader synchronously for a shared or Channel context by name.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_read_context_sync(const char* context);


Name Type Description
context const char* The name of the shared or Channel context to read.

Return value: Reference to the reader for the specified shared or Channel context.


Reads a double value from a field path in a reader.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API double __cdecl glue_read_d(
    const void* reader,
    const char* field_path


Name Type Description
reader const void* The reader obtained from a glue_payload or glue_read_context_sync().
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path for the reader designating from where to read the value.

Return value: the read double value.


Reads a glue_value value from a field path in a reader.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API glue_value __cdecl glue_read_glue_value(
    const void* reader,
    const char* field_path


Name Type Description
reader const void* The reader obtained from a glue_payload or glue_read_context_sync().
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path for the reader designating from where to read the value.

Return value: the read glue_value value.


Reads an int value from a field path in a reader.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_read_i(
    const void* reader,
    const char* field_path


Name Type Description
reader const void* The reader obtained from a glue_payload or glue_read_context_sync().
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path for the reader designating from where to read the value.

Return value: the read int value.


Reads a JSON value from a field path in a reader.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const char* __cdecl glue_read_json(
    const void* reader,
    const char* field_path


Name Type Description
reader const void* The reader obtained from a glue_payload or glue_read_context_sync().
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path for the reader designating from where to read the value.

Return value: string encoded as a JSON - e.g., "{x: 42, y: {a: 42.42, s: \"io\"}}".


Reads a long long value from a field path in a reader.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API long long __cdecl glue_read_l(
    const void* reader,
    const char* field_path


Name Type Description
reader const void* The reader obtained from a glue_payload or glue_read_context_sync().
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path for the reader designating from where to read the value.

Return value: the read long long value.


Reads a const char* (string) value from a field path in a reader.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const char* __cdecl glue_read_s(
    const void* reader,
    const char* field_path


Name Type Description
reader const void* The reader obtained from a glue_payload or glue_read_context_sync().
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path for the reader designating from where to read the value.

Return value: the read const char* value.


Registers an Interop method.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_register_endpoint(
    const char* endpoint_name,
    invocation_callback_function callback,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
endpoint_name const char* The name of the Interop method to register.
callback invocation_callback_function Callback function for handling method invocations.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: 0 if the method registration is successful.


Registers the main window of your app simultaneously as an io.Connect Window and as an io.Connect app in the io.Connect environment.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_register_main_window(
    HWND hwnd,
    app_callback_function app_callback,
    glue_window_callback_function window_callback,
    const char* title = nullptr,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
hwnd HWND The window handle.
app_callback app_callback_function Callback function for handling app instance events.
window_callback glue_window_callback_function Callback function for handling io.Connect Window updates.
title const char* Optional title for the io.Connect Window.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: None


Registers an Interop stream.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_register_streaming_endpoint(
    const char* endpoint_name,
    stream_callback_function stream_callback = nullptr,
    invocation_callback_function invocation_callback = nullptr,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
endpoint_name const char* The name of the Interop stream to register.
stream_callback stream_callback_function Optional callback function for handling stream subscription requests and assigning subscribers to stream branches. To accept all subscription requests, use nullptr.
invocation_callback invocation_callback_function Optional callback function for handling method invocations in case the Interop stream is treated as a regular Interop method.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: Reference to the Interop stream. Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glue_push_ to push data to the stream.


Registers a window simultaneously as an io.Connect Window and as an io.Connect app in the io.Connect environment. Can be the main or a child window of your app.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_register_window(
    HWND hwnd,
    glue_window_callback_function callback = nullptr,
    const char* title = nullptr,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr,
    bool startup = false


Name Type Description
hwnd HWND The window handle.
callback glue_window_callback_function Callback function for handling io.Connect Window updates.
title const char* Optional title for the io.Connect Window.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.
startup bool Set to true if the window you are registering is your main (startup) window.

Return value: None


Sets a callback function for persisting any user-specific data for this app instance. Use the io.Connect methods prefixed with glue_push_ in the invocation_callback_function to push the data to be saved.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_set_save_state(
    invocation_callback_function callback = nullptr,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
callback invocation_callback_function Callback function for handling saving the app state.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: 0 if successful.


Subscribes for updates of a shared or a Channel context.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_subscribe_context(
    const char* context,
    const char* field_path,
    context_function callback,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
context const char* The name of the shared or Channel context to which to subscribe.
field_path const char* Optional dot-separated field path designating to which specific context field to subscribe.
callback context_function Callback function for handling the context updates.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: Reference to the context subscription. Call glue_destroy_resource() to unsubscribe.


Subscribes for changes in the state of Interop endpoints - e.g., when an Interop method has been registered or unregistered.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_subscribe_endpoints_status(
    glue_endpoint_status_callback_function callback,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
callback glue_endpoint_status_callback_function Callback function for handling Interop endpoint status changes.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: Reference to the subscription. Call glue_destroy_resource() to unsubscribe.


Subscribes to an Interop stream offered by the best Interop server (usually the first that has registered the stream with that name).


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_subscribe_single_stream(
    const char* stream,
    payload_function stream_callback,
    const glue_arg* args,
    int len,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
stream const char* The name of the Interop stream to which to subscribe.
stream_callback payload_function Callback function for handling the data received from the Interop stream.
args const glue_arg* An array of glue_arg values representing the arguments for the subscription request.
len int The length of the subscription request arguments array.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: Reference to the stream subscription. Call glue_destroy_resource() to unsubscribe.


Subscribes to all Interop streams with the same name offered by different Interop servers.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API const void* __cdecl glue_subscribe_stream(
    const char* stream,
    payload_function stream_callback,
    const glue_arg* args,
    int len,
    COOKIE cookie = nullptr


Name Type Description
stream const char* The name of the Interop stream to which to subscribe.
stream_callback payload_function Callback function for handling the data received from the Interop streams.
args const glue_arg* An array of glue_arg values representing the arguments for the subscription request.
len int The length of the subscription request arguments array.
cookie COOKIE Optional callback cookie.

Return value: Reference to the stream subscription. Call glue_destroy_resource() to unsubscribe.


Writes a value in a shared or a Channel context using a given field path.


extern "C" GLUE_LIB_API int __cdecl glue_write_context(
    const char* context,
    const char* field_path,
    glue_value value


Name Type Description
context const char* The name of the shared or Channel context in which to write.
field_path const char* Dot-separated field path designating where to write the data.
value glue_value The value to write.

Return value: 0 if the data is written successfully.