
io.Connect Desktop 9.1

Release date: 11.12.2023

Components Version
Electron 27.0.3
Chromium 118.0.5993.120
Node.js 18.17.1

New Features

Web Group Styles

The <Group /> component exposed by the @interopio/groups-ui-react library now has a styles property which you can use to supply custom classes and CSS settings for the frame of the Web Group App, as well as for the header and the move area of a tab group:

import Group from "@interopio/groups-ui-react";

const App = () => {
    return (
                frame: {
                        classes:  ["my-frame-class", "my-other-frame-class"],
                        css: {
                            borderWidth: "1px"
                            borderColor: "blue"
                tabs: {
                    header: {
                        classes: ["my-tab-header-class"],
                        css: { backgroundColor: "red" }
                    moveArea: {
                        classes:  ["my-move-area-class"],
                        css: { backgroundColor: "green" }

export default App;

Notifications API

Methods for updating and listening for updates of the data property of a notification have been added to the JavaScript API.

To update the arbitrary data associated with the notification which is available in its data property, use the updateData() method and provide the ID of the notification and the new data:

const id = (await io.notifications.list())[0].id;
const data = { io: 42 };

await io.notifications.updateData(id, data);

To get notified when the notification data property is updated, use the onDataChanged() method:

const handler = data => console.log(`Notification data: ${data}`);

const unsubscribe = io.notifications.onDataChanged(handler);

Feedback Form

You can now set a transparent background for your custom Feedback app by using the "transparent" property of the "form" object under the "issueReporting" top-level key in the system.json system configuration file of io.Connect Desktop:

    "issueReporting": {
        "form": {
            "transparent": true

⚠️ Note that this property will set a transparent background only for the io.Connect Window that contains the Feedback app. To achieve actual transparency, you must also set a transparent background for your app from its styles.

Handling the Browser

When using the browser native method for opening child windows in io.Connect Windows, you can now pass io.Connect Window options as a third argument:

const url = "";
// io.Connect Window options as a comma-separated string with `name=value` pairs.
const options = "mode=frameless, hasSizeAreas=true, width=300, height=500";, undefined, options);

Window Resizing Areas

The "hasSizeAreas" property of the "details" top-level key in the app definition now works for all io.Connect Window modes. This allows you to add resizing areas even to the io.Connect frameless windows so that the user can resize them manually:

    "name": "My App",
    "type": "window",
    "details": {
        "url": "",
        "mode": "frameless",
        "hasSizeAreas": false

Frameless Window Resizing

By default, "hasSizeAreas" is set to true for flat, tab and HTML windows, and to false for frameless windows.

Auto Arranging Windows

io.Connect Windows can be auto arranged programmatically in a grid on the screen. Auto arrangement is enabled by default. To disable it for an app, set the "allowAutoArrange" top-level property in the app definition to false:

    "allowAutoArrange": false

To auto arrange the io.Connect Windows located on a given display, or to restore their previous states, use the autoArrange() method and optionally pass a display ID specifying the display whose windows to arrange:

const displayID = (await io.displays.getPrimary()).id;


The following demonstrates auto arranging and restoring programmatically the windows on a given display:

Auto Arrange

All windows on the specified display will be auto arranged in a grid. If the method is invoked a second time and the user hasn't broken manually the arrangement, the windows will be restored to their previous states. If you don't specify a display ID, the windows on the display where the io.Connect shell app (Floating Toolbar or Launchpad) is located will be auto arranged.

To get notified when the window arrangement changes, use the onArrangementChanged() method:

const handler = ({ areWindowsArranged, displayId }) => {
    console.log(`The windows on display ${displayId} are ${areWindowsArranged ? "arranged" : "restored (or arrangement was broken by user)"}.`)

Docking Windows

Web apps can now be docked at one of the screen edges - e.g., a toolbar app that may start docked at one of the screen edges and the user can undock it, move it, and dock at another screen edge. Docking is supported only for HTML and frameless windows and is disabled by default. To enable it and to specify docking placement settings, use the "docking" property of the "details" top-level key in the app definition.

The following example demonstrates specifying docking settings for a frameless window:

    "details": {
        "mode": "frameless",
        "docking": {
            "enabled": true,
            "claimScreenArea": true,
            "initialPosition": "top",
            "allowedPositions": [ "top", "bottom"],
            "height": 80

To dock a window programmatically, use the dock() method and pass a DockingOptions object as a required argument:

const options = {
    position: "top",
    claimScreenArea: true

const dockingPlacement = await myWindow.dock();

To get notified when the docking placement changes, use the onDockingChanged() method:

const handler = (ioConnectWindow, dockingPlacement) => {
    const isDocked = dockingPlacement.docked;

    console.log(isDocked ? `Window was docked at the ${dockingPlacement.position} of the screen.` : "Window was undocked.")


Set Current Layout

When saving a Global Layout programmatically, you can now specify whether to set it as the currently active Global Layout by using the setAsCurrent property of the NewLayoutOptions object:

const options = {
    name: "My Layout",
    setAsCurrent: true

const myLayout = await;

Remote Metrics Publishers

It's now possible to fetch custom metrics publisher from a remote location. To define a remote metrics publisher, use the "customMetricsPublishers" property under the "gw" top-level key in the system.json system configuration file of io.Connect Desktop:

    "gw": {
        "configuration": {
            "customMetricsPublishers": [
                    "url": "https://my-metrics-publisher/app/server.js",
                    "timeout": 3000,
                    "metricsConfiguration": {
                        "conflation": {
                            "max-size": 0,
                            "interval": 1000
                        "buffer-size": 10000,
                        "split-size": 1
                    "publisherConfiguration": {
                        "prop": 1

Preload Scripts

The "scripts" property of the configuration object for the "preloadScripts" key in the system.json system configuration file of io.Connect Desktop now accepts also an array of objects which you can use to specify detailed settings for preload scripts:

    "windows": {
        "preloadScripts": {
            "scripts": [
                    "url": "",
                    "fallback": "",
                    "timeout": 5000
                    "url": "",
                    "fallback": "",
                    "timeout": 5000
            "useBase64PreloadScripts": false

App Definition Overrides

All types of io.Connect app stores now support an option for a global override of the fetched app definition files. You can provide valid app definition properties that will override the ones in all app definitions from an app store by using the "appDefinitionOverrides" property in the respective app store configuration object. Top-level app definition properties can be specified directly in the "appDefinitionOverrides" object. The properties that are found under the "details" top-level key for each app definition type must be specified in a top-level object with the same name as the app type - "window", "exe", "node", "workspaces", "webGroup", "clickonce", or "citrix".

The following example demonstrates defining overrides for some top-level app definition properties (which will be applied to all app types), as well as some specific properties for apps of type "window":

    "appStores": [
            "type": "rest",
            "details": {
                "url": ""
            "appDefinitionOverrides": {
                // Overrides for some top-level app definition properties.
                "ignoreSavedLayout": true,
                "allowMultiple": false,
                // Overrides for the properties under the `"details"` top-level key in apps of type `"window"`.
                "window": {
                    "autoInjectAPI": {
                        "enabled": true,
                        "autoInit": {
                            "channels": true

FDC3 App Stores

io.Connect Desktop now offers full support for FDC3 app stores by automatically converting the fetched FDC3 2.0 app definitions to io.Connect app definitions. As a result of this, the converted app definitions now contain an automatically added "fdc3" top-level property that contains the original FDC3 definition:

const myFDC3AppDefinition = (await io.appManager.getConfigurations(["my-fdc3-app"]))[0];


FDC3 Auto Injection

You can now specify detailed settings for the location of the @interopio/fdc3 library you want to auto inject by using the "library" property of the "autoInjectFdc3" property.

The following example demonstrates how to specify global setting for injecting the @interopio/fdc3 library in the system.json system configuration file of io.Connect Desktop:

    "windows": {
        "autoInjectFdc3": {
            "enabled": true,
            "library": {
                "source": "https://my-fdc3-library/umd.js",
                "fallback": "2.*",
                "timeout": 5000

You can also override these settings per app from the app definition.

⚠️ Note that it's no longer necessary to install, inject or initialize the @interopio/desktop library when auto injecting the @interopio/fdc3 library, as this is now done automatically by io.Connect Desktop.

⚠️ Note that if you are fetching your FDC3 app definitions from a remote store, you can use the "appDefinitionOverrides" object to enable auto injection of the @interopio/fdc3 library in your FDC3 apps. For more details, see the FDC3 Compliance > App Directory and the Developers > Configuration > System > App Stores > REST sections.

Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Upgraded to Electron 27.0.3 (Chromium 118).

  • Workspace shortcuts containing the ?, ;, `, ', [, ] and \ symbols can now be registered.

  • Improved some visual aspects related to Web Groups, notifications and resizing windows.

  • Improved handling of large log files when sending feedback via email.

  • When auto injecting the @interopio/fdc3, io.Connect Desktop will now automatically auto inject and auto initialize the @interopio/desktop library without the need for explicit configuration.